Credit Check Hook - Getting the Info from Third Party System

For companies that wish to keep the credit control of their customers outside of our system, we created a "bypass" mechanism (with the use of hooks) for calling a third party system (i.e. your ERP system) for getting the confirmation for the execution of an order

Implementation of a RESTful EndPoint

The hook we implemented has the following inputs:

  • AccountId (integer): The identifier in our system of the customer that placed the order. It is BSS Account's ID.
  • BasketId (string): Account's basket id. This field is a global unique identifier (GUID).

The output must be a boolean value:

  • True If the response is affirmative and the order can be executed.
  • False if the order cannot be executed.

The companies that wish to use our credit check hook, they must implement a RESTful web service with an endpoint with the above inputs and outputs. The input parameters can be used for calling our Platform API for getting the information that is necessary for deciding whether the order can be executed or not. Below is a list of API methods you can find useful:

  • GET /api/Accounts/{accountId} (v2.2). This method will return the customer details including his billing address and any custom fields you have defined for your accounts.
  • GET /api/Accounts/{accountId}/billingInfo (v2.2) . This method returns customer's balance,  monthly run rate, overdue invoices amount etc.
  • GET /api/orders/{orderId} (v3.0). Customer's basket is represented in our system as an draft order. For getting the list of product the customer has added in his basket you should call this method by passing the BasketId as the orderId.

You can find details about the input and output of these method by checking our documentation on

Understanding how Credit Check Hook Works

The hook mechanism is activated when a customer tries to checkout his basket in Storefront:

  • If we get an affirmative response, we complete the checkout process and we also execute the order for the services in the basket to be delivered to the reseller.
  • If we get a negative response, we complete the checkout process but the order is not executed. It is created as a “pending” order in Cloud BSS in order to be processed by the back office. An automatic notification will be dispatched to designated back office users for further processing. The notification that is dispatched is the notification "Storefront Order Submission with No Available Credit". 

Activating the Credit Check Hook

We have not published UI interfaces for setting up the hook for the credit control. When you have the Web Service ready, you should contact us for activating the hook.

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