Uploading and Managing Documents

Uploading and Managing Documents

This page shows how to upload documents to your BSS and manage them in the BSS and the Storefront.

Allowing Users To Upload Documents

To allow a user to upload a document, the user must have a File Space Limit set by an Administrator in the BSS. This is done by going to Setup Administration Users → Users List and adding a new user, or selecting an existing one.

Please note that the space in use is shown to the right of the field. Users can only upload documents if they do not exceed the File Space Limit.

The total space and current limits for all the users in your organization can be viewed by going to Setup System Options Organization Profile under Available Space Analysis.

For purchasing storage for your files, please contact your customer success manager.


Add a Document to the BSS

You may upload files to the BSS, and link them to contacts or publish them on the storefront. To add a document to the BSS, go to Office Documents.

In the Documents List select Add to add a new document.

The Add/Edit Document section contains the following options:


  • Name - Specify the name that will appear in the BSS and Storefront. This is not the filename.

  • Status - The status of the file, which can be set by going to Setup Office Documents File Stages

  • Type - The file type, which can be set in Setup Office Documents File Types. This feature can be used to organize files based on their type, e.g., invoices, contracts, etc..

  • File - Contains the following two options:

    • From file - Select Browse to locate a locally stored file.

    • From URL - Specify a remotely stored file by its URL.

  • Folder Name - The name of the BSS folder to place the file in.

  • Is Printable - Whether the file can be printed from the BSS.

  • Publish to Storefront - Whether the file is published on the storefront. See the relevant section.

  • Inherit Folder’s Permissions - Select to give the file the permissions of its folder.

    • Sharing Rule - This drop-down menu appears if Inherit Folder’s Permissions is disabled. The rules can be set by going to Setup Administration Personal Setup Permission Rules


Linking Documents to an Account

The Documents section in the account details view contains all documents linked to the account. You may drag and drop any documents to upload them, and link them to the current account, or select the Chain icon to link any existing documents.


Whitelisted Filetypes

Please note that the filetypes whitelisted in the BSS are the following:

  • Images - .jpg / .png / .gif / .jpeg / .ico

  • Documents - .pdf / .doc / .docx / .ppt / .pptx / .odt / .ods / .xls / .xlsx / .psd / .csv / .log / .txt

  • Audio - .mp3 / .m4a / .ogg / .wav

  • Video - .mp4 / .mov / .avi / .mpg / .ogv / .3gp / .3g2

  • Archive - .zip / .gz / .tar / .7z / .rar

  • MailMessages - .msg / .eml


Publishing on The Storefront

Check the Publish to Storefront option when adding or editing a document to publish it in the storefront. Additionally, documents are published when they are linked to accounts.

You can check if a document is published or unpublished in the Documents List.