Customer Credit Limit
Customer Credit Limit
Setting Customer's Credit Limit
By setting a credit limit of a customer, you can control the amount each customer has available for spending and have an overall control on each customer's orders.Handling an Order that Exceeds Customer's Available Credit
When the customer places an order that exceeds its available credit, the system will allow him to place the order, but the order will not be executed. A BSS account manager needs to approve the order after a payment, for increasing the available credit, has been arranged.
Adding a Payment for Increasing the Credit Limit
For customers that are not paying by default using a credit card, you can allow them to make ad hoc payments for increasing, when necessary, their credit limit and proceeding with the checkout of their order.Notify Customers for their Available Credit
Credit Limit Notification Plan is a means to schedule the dispatch of email notifications to the customer when his available credit has been decreased below a specific threshold. Apart from notifying the customer for his available credit, you can also suspend the customer if he exceeds his credit limit.Credit Check Hook - Getting the Info from Third Party System
For companies that wish to keep the credit control of their customers outside of our system, we created a "bypass" mechanism (with the use of hooks) for calling a third party system (i.e. your ERP system) for getting the confirmation for the execution of an orderRelated content
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