9. Managing Customer Charges in Storefront

9. Managing Customer Charges in Storefront

This page contains information on the Customer Charges feature for the Standard Reseller edition. Instructions for viewing and managing invoices containing Customer Charges can be found here, along with case examples.


The Customer Charges menu provides the Resellers with the Standard edition with an overview of their end-customer charges. This overview is made possible by the invoices received by the Distributor and the pricing rules they have defined for each product and customer. The menu offers various benefits to the resellers, including:

  • A live overview of their billing data, with filtering capabilities that allow them to monitor their business rhythm.

  • The ability to easily export charges to Excel and upload the data to their EPR/PSA/EDI of choice. This allows them to proceed with invoicing without the need for custom integration.

  • Improved reconciliation experience, allowing them to check their cost versus customer charges.

Overall, this new menu provides resellers with an easy-to-use billing solution that improves their invoicing process and helps them manage their business more effectively.


Invoice Items Included in the Customer Charges

In order for the Customer Charges module to display accurate invoice items, the order must be placed either by the end customer of the resellers via the reseller’s Storefront, or by the reseller himself through the Distributor’s Storefront, or by the Distributor himself from their BSS. Of course, in order for the invoice and its invoice items to appear inside the Customer Charges module, the invoice must have been generated in the Distributor’s BSS. However, if no invoice, along with no invoice items, appears in the Customer Charges module, then this means that either the invoice is Pending or Proforma, or the invoice was generated before the release 3.28.106.

For the Customer Charges module to be populated, a scheduled job is introduced and runs once a day at 07:00 AM (based on the timeframe of the reseller’s organization). It checks if new invoices have been generated for each individual Standard Reseller. It then retrieves the invoices along with their invoice items and the corresponding end customers, and adjusts the My Unit Sell Price based on the Markup or Special Price set by the Standard Reseller for the product that is being converted into an Invoice Item. For examples, please check the following section 9. Managing Customer Charges in Storefront | Examples of Different Customer Charges Cases of this page.


Viewing & Filtering the Customer Charges

The Customer Charges module in Storefront is located inside the main tabs section on the left-hand side of the screen. This module is visible only to the Admin and Marketplace Manager roles.

By selecting it, the reseller gets redirected to the Customer Charges page, where all the available invoice items from the Distributor’s invoices are presented in a tabular format and are indexed by each individual invoice item per end customer and are sorted, by default, based on the invoice number in descending order.

Specifically, each column header is sortable, clickable, transferable, and toggles between ascending and descending sorting. Also, filter options are provided above each column to allow resellers to filter results based on specific criteria and even search terms or select values. Furthermore, from the Advanced Filter drop-down menu, resellers can display or hide columns and apply more filters.

Let’s further analyze each column along with its values and options:

  • Invoice #: Is the invoice number issued by the distributor to the Standard Reseller. Since it is a link, it redirects to the invoice page in the distributor's storefront. Sorting and filtering are available.
    Please note that for the invoice number to be displayed inside the fields of the Invoice # column, the Display Invoices checkbox option must be enabled in the BSS platform of the Distributor. For more information, please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/645629664/Storefront+General+Settings#Setup-Settings section.

  • Invoice date: The invoice issuance date provided by the distributor issuing the invoice (according to the billing options the Distributor defined for the reseller). Sorting and filtering are available.

  • Type: Is the type of Invoice, either Debit or Credit. Filtering is available.

  • Customer: Is the name of the end customer to be charged. Sorting and filtering are available.

  • Description: Is the name of the product, which is also the invoice item. When a subscription is purchased in installments, the invoice item name includes the name of the product followed by the installment number. There are no filter options for this column.

  • Start date: Is the start date of the billing cycle for the invoice item, which is provided by the distributor issuing the invoice. Sorting and filtering are available.

  • End date: Is the end date of the billing cycle for the invoice item, which is provided by the distributor issuing the invoice. Sorting and filtering are available.

  • Unit Cost Price: Is the price charged to the reseller by their distributor for the subscription of reference and the period between the start date and end date.

  • Unit Sell Price: It is the price charged to the end customer by the reseller for the subscription of reference for the period between the start date and the end date. It is calculated from the pricing rules applied during the product's subscription period (listed price or customer's special price).

  • Quantity: Is the quantity of the product that has been charged. Sorting and filtering are available.

  • Unit: Is the Unit of measure, meaning Month, Annually, etc. There are no filter options for this column.

  • Total Cost Price: It is calculated based on the Unit Cost Price multiplied by the Quantity. There are no filter options for this column.

  • Total Sell Price: It is calculated based on the Unit Retail Price multiplied by the Quantity. There are no filter options for this column.

There are also two hidden columns that the user can activate through the Advanced Filter → Column tab. The two extra columns are the Product Type and Product Name.

  • Product Type: The product type to which the product belongs. Sorting and filtering are available.

  • Product Name: The name of the product. Sorting and filtering are available.

In the Total Sell Price, Total Cost Price, Unit Sell Price, and Unit Cost Price values, the system does not apply any filters or sorting, as the calculations for these values are done automatically by the system.

If the Standard Reseller clicks on the Advanced Filter button, the following pop-up window appears, containing two separate tabs:

  • Filter: This tab contains all filters that can or have been applied in the generic grid and are represented graphically, with the use of logical operators and expressions.

  • Column: This tab contains the list of the columns and checkboxes where the columns can be included and excluded. As a default view of the columns are all the available columns. The only non-visible columns by default are the Product Name and Product Type, which can be enabled if required since they provide better distinction between Pay-Per-Use products, such as those of Azure.



Exporting the Customer Charges

Clicking the Export button generates an Excel file named Customer Charges, which is downloaded to your device.

When exporting data from the spreadsheet, the selected columns chosen by the user and any advanced search filters will be included. If no changes were made to the default view, then the default columns and their corresponding values will be exported.

When a column is selected, such as Unit Cost Price, Unit Sell Price, Total Cost Price, or Total Sell Price, an additional column labeled Currency will appear to show the currency in the exported Excel file.


Calculation of Customer Charges

Our system, in order to calculate what will be charged to the end customer, always uses what is valid at the time the invoice is sent from the distributor to the reseller (with either the current markup, the current Suggested Retail Price(SRP), and the Special Price [set for specific end customers whenever applicable]) unless the order is placed by the end customer from the reseller’s Storefront. Only in this last case we keep what was in effect at the time of the order and not at the time of the invoice generation.


Examples of Customer Charges Cases

In the following analysis, you can find three examples from different Customer Charges cases that result in different invoice data.

  • Markup Percentage: For this example, let’s assume that an end customer placed an order for Product X at the Storefront of the Standard Reseller, while the reseller has assigned a 10% markup.

The Standard Reseller buys Product X for 90 euros from the Distributor and sells it with a 10% Markup to the end customer. The end customer will pay 90 + 10% = 99 euros. Therefore, the standard reseller will see, inside the Customer Charges module, an invoice with Product X as the invoice item and a Unit Cost Price of 90 euros as well as a Unit Sell Price of 99 euros.

  • Suggested Retail Price: For this example, let’s assume that an end customer placed an order for Product Y at the Storefront of the Standard Reseller, while the reseller has assigned the SRP price as the sell price.

The Standard Reseller buys Product Y for 85 euros from the Distributor and sells it at the Suggested Retail Price(SRP) of 100 euros to the end customer. The end customer will pay 100 euros, meaning 85 euros (Standard Reseller Cost) + 15 euros (Standard Reseller Profit). Therefore, the standard reseller will see, inside the Customer Charges module, an invoice with Product Y as the invoice item and a Unit Cost Price of 85 euros as well as a Unit Sell Price of 100 euros.

  • Special Price with Markup: For this example, let’s assume that an end customer placed an order for Product Z at the Storefront of the Standard Reseller, while the reseller has assigned a Special Price for this customer that includes a Markup.

The Standard Reseller buys Product Z for 80 euros from the Distributor and sells it with a 15% Markup to the end customer. However, the specific end customer that places the order is a special customer, and therefore, the reseller has configured a Special Price for that end customer, with a 10% Markup instead of 15%. The end customer will pay 80 + 10%(markup) = 88 euros. Therefore, the standard reseller will see, inside the Customer Charges module, an invoice with Product Z as the invoice item and a Unit Cost Price of 80 euros as well as a Unit Sell Price of 88 euros.