Using interworks.cloud Storefront

Using interworks.cloud Storefront

Storefront is the end-customer portal. Using Cloud Storefront, you can market all your cloud services input in the Cloud BSS, online, and provide them either to your Resellers or your end customers for review or purchase. 

Storefront Dashboards

The Storefront Dashboard has been introduced as a tool for providing a fast, accurate, effortless, and user-friendly overview of your business's performance with meaningful statistics such as metrics, KPIs, and other relative data. Furthermore, this tool offers different widgets and metrics depending on whether the logged in Storefront user is a reseller or a direct customer. Also, the dashboard page can now be configured as the landing page of your Storefront.

  • Configuring Reseller's DashboardOn this page, you can find an analysis of the options and tools for configuring the visual representation of the reseller's dashboard in Storefront.
  • Reseller's Dashboard WidgetsThe Reseller's Dashboard has been introduced in Storefront (V4) as a tool for providing a fast, accurate, effortless, and user-friendly overview of a reseller's business performance with meaningful statistics such as metrics, KPIs, and other relative data. The tool's purpose is to reduce the resellers' business operational costs, eliminate the wrong assumptions of their revenue projections, minimize the risk of missing critical information, and assist in important business decisions/activities.
  • Configuring Direct Customer's DashboardOn this page, you can find an analysis of the options and tools for configuring the visual representation of the direct customer's dashboard in Storefront.
  • Direct Customer's Dashboard WidgetsThe Direct Customer's Dashboard is introduced as a tool for providing a fast, accurate, effortless, and user-friendly overview of a direct customer's business performance with meaningful statistics such as metrics, KPIs, and other relative data. The tool's purpose is to eliminate wrong assumptions, minimize the risk of missing critical information, and assist in important business decisions/activities. Overall, this tool provides the direct customers with a complete business dashboard. 

Role-Based Access for Storefront Users

  • Managing the Storefront UsersIn this page, we analyze both user types and everything related to their creation and the access rights of those Storefront user types from the perspective of the Admin Storefront user. For the administrator to manage the users, there is a dedicated new module called Storefront Access Control,
  • Storefront User Roles Comparison Table

External Authentication - Single Sign-On(SSO)

The interworks.cloud platform can be integrated with external authentication services, providing registration/login capabilities for Storefront users who become authenticated through a service or external Identity Providers(IdPs). Such services can be used to identify users maintained in external user stores and map them to BSS/Storefront users providing access to the interworks.cloud platform when logged in (authenticated) from these external sources.

Publish a Product in Storefront

  • Publish to Storefront Basic OptionsThis page offers information on how to Publish a Product in Storefront. Learn how to configure some Basic Storefront Settings of a Product.
  • Enable Terms of UseThis page offers information on how to enable the Terms of Use for a product or a product group in your Storefront.
  • Publish a Product Group in StorefrontThis page offers information on how to Publish a Product Group in Storefront. Learn how to configure the Storefront Settings of a Product Group.
  • Define the Marketing Material of your ProductThis page offers information on how to add marketing material for a product in your Storefront. Learn how to configure the detailed pages of your products in order to give your end customers a better understanding of the services you offer.
  • Enabling Cross SellingThis page offers information on how you can suggest to your customer products complementary to those they have already bought or they are interested to buy. Sections "You might find interesting" and "Customers also bought" can be used for promoting, to your customers, products related to the item they are currently viewing on your Storefront.
  • Create a Comparison Matrix for the Editions of a Product GroupThis page offers information on how to create a Comparison Matrix for the editions of a product group

Product Catalogue Navigation Options

  • Enabling Special CategoriesStorefront's special categories are the Featured Products, the New Products, the Most Popular Products and the Promoted Products. These catagories are displayed at the top of the nevigation menu
  • Categorize your Products per IndustryThe products that are published in Storefront can be categorized per industry.  This will help your customer to locate faster a solution that fits for their sector.

Scheduled Orders

The Scheduled Orders Storefront feature allows your Storefront users and customers to schedule their orders for execution on a future date. The execution is then performed automatically by our systems on the specified execution date. On this page, you can find an analysis of this feature as well as its prerequisites, rules, and child pages that contain further analysis concerning the management, the execution, and the reporting and notifications of scheduled orders.

  • Scheduled Orders in StorefrontOn this page, you can find the analysis of how you can schedule an order in Storefront, how you can view it, reschedule it, as well as cancel it.
  • Managing Scheduled Orders in BSSOn this page, you can find the analysis of how you can view scheduled orders in the BSS platform, how you can edit them, as well as manually cancel them.
  • Executing Scheduled OrdersOn this page, you can find the analysis of how the scheduled orders are executed automatically and manually as well as how the automatic re-execution functionality operates.
  • Notifications & Repοrts for Scheduled OrdersOn this page, you can find the analysis of the notification email for scheduled orders as well as the available merge fields that can be utilized during the creation of a report.

Asynchronous Provisioning Of Services during the Checkout Process

We have introduced asynchronous provisioning of the services during the checkout process to improve user experience by eliminating unnecessary wait times. By running the provisioning process asynchronously, your customers and your resellers can continue working in your Marketplace without having to wait for the services to be provisioned. This helps to improve the overall experience for the user and allows them to complete their purchase faster.

Managing Subscriptions

  • Subscriptions ListThis page contains information on the Subscription List. Select among various views, or customize a view to suit your needs, with a wide range of options for options for searching, filtering, and organizing data. You may select which columns to show or hide, reorder them in the list, as well as use the advanced search function to filter results based on expressions.
  • Buying Extra Licenses from Subscriptions Details PageA customer can buy extra licenses for an existing subscription from the "buy..." actions in the "I want to..." menu. This action offers a better user experience since the customer/reseller will be able directly from the subscription details page to define how many extra licenses he wants and then he will be directed to the basket for completing his order.
  • Scheduling Subscription Changes with Future RequestsThis page contains information on how to schedule a change in the subscription in the Storefront.
  • Subscription Auto-Renewal Management via the StorefrontOn this page, based on the Managing Subscription Automatic Renewals page, you can examine the method with which you can enable or disable the automatic renewal of subscriptions in the Storefront portal.
  • Managing Add-ons from StorefrontFrom the 3.28.8 release onwards, we have introduced the feature “Maintenance of a Single/Unified Add-on Record Per Subscription” and due to its functionality, there are some minor user-interface changes in Storefront that affect the locations from which a Storefront user can purchase new add-ons and increase the quantiy of existing (active) add-ons. Also, in this page, you can find an analysis of the add-ons' view icon that resides in the Subscription’s List as well as an analysis of the feature
  • Setting a Friendly Name for the SubscriptionYour customers or your resellers can define, during the ordering process, a friendly name for the subscription the system will create. This is helpful for services that the customer might have a lot of subscriptions and he needs a way to recognise them (for example, when the customer has a lot of Azure subscriptions).

Storefront User Password Management

Getting Started for Storefront Admins

A step-by-step guide for rebranding your Storefront, enabling anonymous access, enabling self-registration and defining your first page products

Adding Extra Fields in Checkout Forms

This page offers information on how to add extra fields in the checkout forms for getting from your customers the information you need. You can add extra fields in:

Displaying Extra Fields in "My Profile" Form

This page offers information on adding extra (custom) fields to the "My Profile" page by publishing custom fields you have created for the Account entity. These fields can be either editable or non-editable, depending on whether you want to gather more information from your customers or keep certain user-specific information on display

Display the Retail Prices to Resellers

The prices your reseller sees in your Storefront are the prices you have defined in his pricelist. For the reseller to compare the prices you give him with the retail prices you have for your services, you can select to display to your reseller your retail prices. This is very useful for the Office 365 products where the retail prices you have are Microsoft's SRP prices (since these prices are updated automatically every month).

Request a Valid Billing Address for the End Customers of your Resellers

This page offers information how you can enforce your resellers to enter a valid billing address for their end customers during checkout.

Searching for Products that Belong to a Product Group

Viewing the Account Statement in the Storefront

This page contains information on the storefront account statement page. Here you can find how to enable the page, as well as a detailed overview of its features and contents.

Storefront Landing Pages

This page contains information on how to manage landing pages for the Storefront.

Change Storefront User Email

This page shows how a Storefront User can change their account email, in addition to the new email address verification process.

Viewing Published Documents

This page contains an overview of the documents section in the Storefront, as well as its functionality and notification email.


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