Scheduled Orders in Storefront

Scheduled Orders in Storefront

On this page, you can find the analysis of how you can schedule an order in Storefront, how you can view it, reschedule it, as well as cancel it.


Scheduling an Order

To initiate a Scheduled Order, the Storefront users, while at the Basket Items page, they can choose to execute their order either immediately or by scheduling it, via the “Order Execution” section by utilizing the toggle switch with the following two options, immediate and scheduled, respectively.

Initially, when a Storefront user creates a new order, the immediate option is selected by default, meaning that the order checkout takes place with its execution having an immediate effect. However, once the scheduled option is selected, a pop-up window appears for the Storefront user to select the execution date for the order.

“Execution Date” Specifications

The execution date field inside the pop-up window has, by default, been assigned with tomorrow’s date, which is based on the date format and timezone of the Storefront user. Also, the Storefront user can choose between tomorrow’s date, and no later than 60 days, since date validation takes place. This means that if the user tries to submit an invalid date, the following error message is displayed.

Please note that while the execution date is not provided, the toggle button remains in the immediate state until the Storefront user submits an execution date.


After a valid execution date is provided, the Submit button becomes available, and the toggle button changes to the scheduled state. This means that the order will be scheduled for execution on the provided date, once the checkout process is completed. Also, as you can witness from the screenshot below, the Execution Date becomes visible next to the title of the Order Execution section (in the date form of the Storefront user), and is editable during this checkout step.

The Storefront user is also been informed that pricing calculation deviations might occur, between the current date and the execution date.

Once the Checkout button is clicked, the Storefront user continues to the remaining steps of the checkout process. When the final checkout step, called Confirmation, is reached, the following messages are displayed.

At this point of the final checkout step, the scheduled order is fully submitted to the system. The Storefront user does not have to do any other actions.

Viewing and Managing Scheduled Orders in Storefront

Storefront users can view and interact with Scheduled Orders from three distinct Storefront places, namely the Billing page, the Orders History List, and the Order Details view page. You will also witness that a new column named Execution Date has been introduced to the Storefront Billing page as well as the Orders History List, which displays a scheduled order’s execution date. Let’s continue by examining them one by one.

Scheduled Orders on the Billing Page

On the Billing page in the Storefront, the Scheduled Orders are displayed alongside the orders with immediate execution, but the element that differentiates the former is the fact that scheduled orders have under the Status column the value “Scheduled” or “Executed“. Also, the newly introduced column Execution Date displays the actual execution date of those Scheduled Orders, that are to be executed (Status=Scheduled). For the Scheduled Orders with Status Executed”, there will be no visible execution date.

In this view, the Storefront user cannot directly interact with a Scheduled Order in order to cancel it. They must first click on an order to interact with its action options.

Scheduled Orders in the Orders History List

On the Orders History List page, the scheduled orders are displayed as well (as previously described).

In this view, the Storefront user can directly interact with a Scheduled Order in order to reschedule it or cancel it, for example, by clicking on the three dots () actions button and selecting the Cancel option.


Scheduled Order Detail View

On the detailed view of an order, the corresponding order status is displayed along with its “Execution Date”. The main difference between this view and the two views above is the fact that the Status, as well as the Execution Date (Execute Date), are displayed on different elements of the page instead of the columns.

In this view, the Storefront user can directly interact with a Scheduled Order in order to reschedule it or cancel it, for example, by clicking on the Actions button and selecting the Cancel Order option.


Rescheduling a Scheduled Order

Storefront users can also reschedule an order by updating the Execution Date of an existing scheduled order. When rescheduling an order, the following actions occur in our systems:

  • The Execution Date changes to the newly picked future date.

  • The BSS Order History log is updated with a new line that contains the following information:

    • “Effective Date DD/MM/YYYY” (where DD/MM/YYYY is the effective date chosen by the date picker).

    • “The order has been rescheduled” (this is the message indicating the reason for the new entry in the History log).

The Reschedule action is available only for Scheduled orders with the status “scheduled”.
Therefore, the rescheduling action of these scheduled orders can be found in Storefront under the Orders List as well as under the Order Details View page.

Reschedule an order via the Orders List

Reschedule an order via the Order Details View Page

Reschedule an order via the Orders List

Reschedule an order via the Order Details View Page

On the Orders List in Storefront, under the Actions column, there is the action “” button with the available actions for the scheduled orders.
In this case, the scheduled order from the below screenshot allows for a reschedule.

On the Order Details View page in Storefront, under the Actions button, the user can find all the available actions for the specific scheduled order.


Upon clicking the Reschedule button, a pop-up confirmation window appears, where the Storefront user can pick to update the effective Execution Date.

  • The default appearing date is the current Execution Date.

  • The date can be changed either via the calendar icon, which opens up a date picker, or by typing the date directly on the date field in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

  • The date interval that can be defined is the day after the current day and up until the initial schedule Execution Date + 60 days and not the draft order date + 60 days. This means that, for example, if the initial schedule Execution Date was on 01/03/2023 and the (+60 days) limit was 01/05/2023, then if the current date of the rescheduling is 15/03/2023, the maximum allowed Execution Date during the rescheduling can be any date between the 16/03/2023 and the 01/05/2023. All other dates that are unavailable for picking are grayed out in the date picker.

Once the Storefront user picks or types a new valid Execution Date and clicks the Submit button, the rescheduling of the scheduled order occurs.


Canceling a Scheduled Order via the Orders List

The Cancel action, as previously mentioned, is available to Storefront users only for Scheduled Orders with Status = Scheduled.
Scheduled Orders with the Status “Executed”, mean that the billing service has processed the request and the order has been fully executed, and as a result, the cancelation is not allowed.

When the Storefront users click on the Cancel option from either inside the Orders List view or the Order Detail view, a confirmation pop-up window is displayed, where the choice of proceeding (Submit) or not (Cancel) with the actual cancellation is questioned.

Once the cancellation is confirmed, the cancellation process cancels the entire order and updates the Order Status to ‘Canceled’.

Scheduled Orders for Tenant Resellers

Tenant reseller organizations are able to utilize the scheduled order functionality as well as the rescheduling of an existing scheduled order in their Storefronts. As a result, everything gets updated to the root organization via the backordering functionality.


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