Role-Based Access for Storefront Users

Role-Based Access for Storefront Users

The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Storefront feature allows your customers (your resellers or your direct customers) to self-manage which from their organization will access your Storefront and what each of their users can do. We support two types of users: the admin users and the simple users.

  • The admin user can create new users for their organization and assign one or more roles to each user.

  • Each simple user has access only to a specific set of Storefront features based on their work needs and eligibility.

User Types & Roles

For the purposes mentioned above, the RBAC Storefront feature offers the following two distinct user types.

Admin User

This user type has full rights for every Storefront module as a superuser. It can create and manage the rest users via the Storefront Access Control module.

An admin user can be created in one of the following ways:

  • By registering to Storefront. All self-registered users are created as admin users.

  • By being created from within the Storefront from an existing admin user. An admin user can create new admin users.

  • By being created from within the BSS. The BSS users can create only admin users when they enable Storefront access for a BSS contact.

Simple User

This user type has a range of restricted access rights dependent on the role(s) that the user is assigned to. Each Storefront user can have one or more of the following five roles that can be configured in terms of access rights and permissions:


Role Description


Role Description

Billing Agent

This role is responsible for managing the billing details and for making payments.

Subscriptions Manager

This role is responsible for managing the subscriptions (adding extra licenses, purchasing add-ons, etc.). He cannot place an order for a new product.


This role is responsible for placing new orders and request trials.

Cloud Administrator

This role is responsible for managing the services in the My Workspace section.

My Storefront Manager

This is a special role that is available only to resellers that have been upgraded to the Standard Edition. This roles allows the user to access the administration section of Standard Reseller’s Storefront.

Please check the Storefront User Roles Comparison Table page for a detailed presentation of each role's action.

Storefront Access Control Module

As previously mentioned, a Storefront Admin user has access (view & edit) in every module (as superuser). There is a dedicated new module called Storefront Access Control and can be accessed from the left main menu.

By clicking on it, the Admin Storefront users can view and manage all the Storefront users for their companies.
More specifically, the Admin users can:

  1. Create a new Storefront user and assign the user one or more roles.

  2. Disable access for a user or change his role.

  3. Reset the password for an existing Storefront user.

  4. Resend the activation link for a user whose activation is pending.

Please continue to the Managing the Storefront Users page for detailed guides for the aforementioned actions.

Creating Storefront Users from BSS

The BSS users can only create admin Storefront users. The typical flow is that a member of your operations team will create a Storefront admin user for a new customer, and then this user will create more users if needed. Check please the Account Contacts | Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Storefront Users page for more details.

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