Adding Extra Fields in Checkout Forms

Adding Extra Fields in Checkout Forms

This page offers information on how to add extra fields in the checkout forms for getting from your customers the information you need. You can add extra fields in:

  • Checkout first page. In this page you can publish custom fields you have created for the Order entity
  • End Customer page. In this page you can publish custom fields you have created for the Account entity

Adding Fields in Checkout First Page

For adding an order custom field in the checkout first page, you must first create an order custom field and enable the option to be visible in Storefront:

  1. Navigate to BSS Setup → Sales → Orders → Custom Fields
  2. Press Add for the new custom field pop-up to be displayed. Create your custom field by following the instructions explained on the Create and Manage Custom Fields page
  3. Enable the option Show in Storefront for publishing this field in checkout page. This option is in the Advanced Options tab

The order custom fields that you will select to publish in check out page, they are displayed below the items list.

Adding Fields in End Customer Page

If you want to get from your resellers more information for their end customers, you publish account custom fields in the end customer page:

  1. Navigate to BSS Setup → Office → Accounts → Custom Fields
  2. Press Add for the new custom field pop-up to be displayed. Create your custom field by following the instructions explained in the Create and Manage Custom Fields page
  3. Enable the option Show in End Customer's form for publishing this field in checkout page. This option is in Advanced Options tab

The account custom fields that you will select to publish in End Customer page, they are displayed only in the new customer form below the default fields

Explaining what these fields are about

If you want to add an explanation message for the fields you have added in the above forms, you should group them and enter an explanation message for this group of fields:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields section of the orders or accounts setup menus
  2. Press Groups → New Group for creating a new group and add title and an explanation for this group

  3. Add then the custom fields you have published in this group by selecting the fields in the list and applying the action Move. The fields will be displayed then in Storefront under this group along with the explanation you have added.

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