Configuring Storefront Ticket Form

Configuring Storefront Ticket Form

This article describes how you can configure the ticket form in Storefront in order to collect from your customers the information you need for the ticket resolution.

The ticket submission form includes by default the following fields:

  • Subject: A short description of customer's request
  • Description: A detailed description of customer's request
  • Service: A list of the services the customer has purchased from you. This list is derived from customer's active subscriptions and the customer must use this field for defining for which service his request is for
  • Phone and Email: Customer's contact info. They are pre-populated with customer info but the customer can change them for the specific ticket.
  • Attachments: For the customer to upload any attachments he wishes

Adding Extra Fields in Ticket Form

If you would like to add in this form additional fields for having a more detailed and structured description of customer's request, you can add in this form any cases custom fields you wish. The process is the following:

  1. Create your custom fields in BSS Setup area in the section Support > Cases > Custom Fields. For instruction check Customizing Case Fields
  2. Edit the custom field you created and enable the option Show in Storefront

Press Save when finished

The custom fields you will add in the ticket form will appear underneath the contact info fields, as displayed in blue.

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