Customizing Case Fields

Customizing Case Fields

In BSS > Setup > Support > Cases there are options for customizing the case parameters

Setting up a Unique Code for your Cases

Each case record must have a unique code for using it as a reference when you are talking with your customers. This is accomplished by setting up a mask for the case code field.

  1. In Cases section of BSS Setup area select Case Code Mask
  2. In the code mask form define the format of your case codes. You can define a prefix, the number of digits the code will consist of and a suffix.

Press Save when finished.

Creating your Cases Types

Case types let you define and organize incoming cases so your support engineers  can more efficiently help your customers. For defining your case types you should do the following:

  1. In Cases section of BSS Setup area select Case Types
  2. Define your case types and add them in the order you want to be displayed in case form in Storefront (set as first your most common case type)

Press Save when finished.

Defining the Statuses for your Case Types

Using case statuses you can define the resolution workflow for a case. With have the notion of status type for relating each status to one of the following categories: New, In progress, Complete and Cancel. Using this approach you can have many statuses of "In progress" type for mapping in detail the resolution of a case.  For defining your case statuses you should do the following:

  1. In Cases section in BSS Setup are select  Status
  2. Define your case statuses and the type of each status. Define also the status to be active

Press Save when finished.

The statuses are common for all cases types

We don't support to define different statuses per case type. So, the statuses you'll define must be generic enough for applying to all case types

Setting a Status Active or Inactive

You must set a status to be active when is part of your resolution workflow.

You set a status to be inactive if it's no longer part of your resolution workflow but you want to keep it for historic reasons (i.e to be able to see which cases was in this status in the past)

Configuring the rest Case Fields

Apart from the fields we explained above, there are also the following fields you can configure in Cases section in BSS Setup:

  • Initial Contact: Customize this field for keeping a track for ticket origin. Typical values for this field can be via email, submitted via Storefront or Telephone 
  • Case Reason: Customize this field for keeping track why the customer raised this ticket. Typical reasons are system crash, customer poor training or wrong service configuration.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customize this field for recording customer's satisfaction level for each case. 
  • Priority: Customize this field for setting your case priorities

Adding Extra Fields

If you want to further configure the cases module you can enrich the information you keep per case by adding custom fields. 

  1. In Cases section in BSS Setup area select  Custom Fields
  2. Select Add  to create a new customer field. In the field form complete the following:
    1. Name: The name of the field
    2. Type: Define if the field will be a text field, a drop-down list, a check box etc.
    3. Compulsory field: Define if this field is compulsory for the creation of a case
    4. Display Rule: Define if this field will be always available or only for cases of specific type, status, reason, priority, initial contact or customer satisfaction. Using display rules you can customize the information you keep per case depending on the details of the case

Press Save when finished.

Categorizing your Custom Fields in Groups

For easier presentation of your custom fields you can categorise in folders:

  1. In Custom Fields section select from the menu Groups > New Group
  2. In new group form define:
    1. Title: The name of the group
    2. Description: A detailed explanation what this group is about. This description is displayed in case details page for helping the internal users understand what they must complete in this group
    3. Position: The position of the group in case page
    4. Permissions: Define which users or group of users can view and / or edit the the fields of this group. This is useful if you want a field set to be viewable only to specific users of your organization


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