Notifications & Repοrts for Scheduled Orders

Notifications & Repοrts for Scheduled Orders

On this page, you can find the analysis of the notification email for scheduled orders as well as the available merge fields that can be utilized during the creation of a report.


Notification for Scheduled Orders

A systemic notification for Successfully Executed 'Scheduled Orders' called Scheduled Order Execution Successfully Completed is introduced, which informs the end customer that their Scheduled Order has been successfully executed.

More specifically, this notification is dispatched to the predefined Primary Contact when the Status of a Scheduled Order changes from Scheduled to Executed, and it looks just like the following screenshot.

If no Primary Contact has been defined, then no notification email will be dispatched.


Another systemic notification for Unsuccessfully Executed 'Scheduled Orders' called Scheduled Order Execution Failed is available, which informs the end customer that their Scheduled Order has failed during its execution.

More specifically, this notification is dispatched to the predefined Primary Contact when the Status of a Scheduled Order remains as Scheduled because the execution cannot be completed due to an error in the process, and it looks just like the following screenshot.

If no Primary Contact has been defined, then no notification email will be dispatched.


Merge Field for Scheduled Orders in Reports & Notifications

Order Schedule Effective Date: You can find under each report and notification for Orders an added merge field {#Orders.OrderScheduleEffectiveDate#} which has as value the effective date for the execution of a scheduled order. Please note that this field has a date value only when the search criterion of the order status is “scheduled”. In all other statuses, the field value is “null”. With this field, you can check as well as display the orders that either have a date, which means that they are scheduled for execution and are not yet processed for execution. In case no date is visible (<null>) this means that they are already executed or failed to be executed. This merge field can be used in Reports, Notifications, Advanced Search, Email Templates, and Print-out Templates.


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