Available System Notifications

Available System Notifications

interworks.cloud Platforms comes ready with a number of preconfigured Email Notifications to cater for every communication need between you and your end-customers! These notifications are dispatched from the Platform, triggered by various events that can take place (e.g. Concluding an order, Creating a subscription, Canceling a subscription, Invoice reminder etc.). The existing notifications can also be configured to be dispatched internally so that you are always on top of every event that concerns your business. The notifications are grouped per entity. Below you can find a tally of the available system notifications:


Storefront account activation

It is sent when an account registers from Storefront

Activation was successful

It is sent when an account activation is successful
Contacts Storefront user password resetIt is sent when the user presses the 'forgot password?' from Cloud Platform login page.
ContactsReset password was successfulIt is sent when a reset password is successful

Downgrade Request

This notification is sent to customer's account manager when a downgrade request is submitted by the customer

Addon Cancellation Request

This notification is sent to customer's account manager when the customer submits a request for add-ons cancellation

Subcription Cancellation Request

This notification is sent to customer's account manager when the customer submits a request for subscription cancellation

Downgrade Request Completed

This notification is sent to the customer when the downgrade request he submitted has been completed

Addon Cancellation Request Completed

This notification is sent to customer when the cancellation request he submitted has been completed

Subcription Cancellation Request Completed

It is sent to customer when the cancellation request he submitted has been completed

Downgrade Request Cancelled

It is sent internally when the customer cancels his downgrade request

Addon Cancellation Request Cancelled

It is sent internally when the customer cancels the request for add-ons cancellation he had submitted
SubscriptionsSubcription Cancellation Request CancelledIt sent internally when the customer cancels the request he had submitted
SubscriptionsSubscription UpgradeIt is sent when a subscription is upgraded.
SubscriptionsAlert for Subscription Provisioning failureIt will be sent when the provisioning of a Subscription or an addon fails.
SubscriptionsReseller has an invalid MPNIDIt will be sent when the subscription cannot be executed because the MPN ID of the partner is invalid
SubscriptionsBudget Alert for Azure SubscriptionThis notification is sent to all recepients a Storefront User has defined when the cost of the total usage of an Azure Subscription exceeds the defined percentage of threshold in budget alert.
OrdersStorefront Order ConfirmationIt is sent when a Storefront user check out his basket.
OrdersStorefront Order Submission with No Available CreditThis notification is sent to a BSS user when a a customer that has exceeded its credit limit places a new order
CasesTicket - Public ReplyThis notification is used for sending to the customer the public reply one of your support engineers added in customer ticket
CasesTicket Submission via Email - Automatic ReplyThis notification is sent to the customer when he submits a ticket by sending an email to your support department
CasesTicket Submission via Storefront - Automatic ReplyThis notification is sent when a customer submits a ticket via Storefront
EventsAttendee InvitationIt is sent when you invite someone to an event
AccountsWelcome Office 365 customerIt is sent when a Office365 customer is created.
AccountsStorefront User Pending RequestIt is sent when Approval Step for registered users is activated and a Storefront user submits a registration request via Storefront. It can be configured to go either to the internal team or also to the customer
OffersTell Me More – Customer Notification

It is sent when a customer selects to be informed for a product through the Tell Me More facility

Also, many entities have one notification that is sent when the user adds an entity record (e.g. an order) to a 'Watch List', e.g. to receive notifications for that item. In this case the notification is internal only and is called  'Watch Alert for "Entity Name"'