Subscriptions Notifications
Panagiotis Papanastasiou notification engine can be used to send automatic updates to your customers when a subscription is created, updated, or deleted.
Notifications for New Subscriptions
For sending a notification (to your customers or to an internal user) when a new subscription is created, you must create a new notification with the following parameters:
- When to Send = Once. By setting this parameter, the notification will send only once to the subscriptions that meet the conditions you have set.
- Related Entity = Subscriptions
- Apply Rule = Apply only to new records. It is good practice to set always this value, otherwise, this notification will be sent to also to all your existing subscriptions that meet notification conditions.
The next step is to define your conditions and the email body.
Notifications for Updated Subscriptions
A subscription is considered as updated when it meets one of the following criteria:
- On subscriptions edit. Subscriptions that have been edited and saved by a BSS user.
- On Renewal. When a Subscription is getting renewed through any procedure we are going to consider it as updated it. Even if the BSS user is updating it manually through the Subscription view page or it is renewed automatically through the Billing Service Run.
- On amount changing. A subscription is marked as updated when its amount is being changed. More specifically:
- When a Subscription for a pay-per-use product is been uploaded with the billing period charges.
Note: Specifically for the Microsoft Azure subscriptions, this means that are considered updated when we collect the usage charges and we update the subscription amount. - When a promotion is being expired and the final Unit Price of the subscription changes.
- When a price protection is being expired and the total and the final Unit price of the subscription is changing.
- When the product has a volume discount assigned and the user changes its quantity and as a result, the Final Unit price is being changed.
- When the account has an assigned pricelist and for any reason, this causes a difference to the Subscription's Final Unit price (de-assign the pricelist from the Account, de-assign the unit of the product that the Subscription is being based on, change the percentage of the discount).
- When the BSS User clicks at Edit Pricing Info and does changes that affect the current billing cycle (for the next billing cycle the Notification will be triggered through the Renew).
- When a Subscription for a pay-per-use product is been uploaded with the billing period charges.
- On Subscription's status change. A subscription is marked as updated when the status of the Subscription is being changed. The statuses, that a subscription can have, are: Active, Suspended, Expired, Pending for Cancellation, Canceled, Inactive.
- On change quantity. A subscription is considered updated when a BSS user (from the Subscription's view page) or a customer or reseller (through Checkout) changes its quantity. (Check also this section)
- On adding an add-on. A subscription is considered updated when an add-on is being added.
- On changing add-on quantity and amount. (Check also this section)
For sending notifications for subscriptions that have been updated, you must create a notification with the following options:
- When to Send = On update. By setting this parameter, the notification will be sent to subscriptions that are considered updated and meet the notification conditions.
- Related Entity = Subscriptions
- Apply Rule = Apply end to existing records. You need to have this option since the updated subscriptions are always subscriptions that exist in your system.
Notifications for Subscriptions & Add-ons with Quantity Change
For sending notifications for subscriptions of products and add-ons every time there is a change in quantity, you need to activate both systemic notifications named Subscription's Quantity Changed & Addon's Quantity Changed accordingly, located under BSS Setup > Administration > Notifications > Customer Notifications within the list with all the notifications. Both notifications have been created to inform the customer and/or BSS user of any quantity changes of a subscription and an add-on.
The notifications can be enabled by checking the Active notification checkbox and then clicking on the Save button.
Subscription's Quantity Changed notification settings in BSS Setup | Addon’s Quantity Changed notification settings in BSS Setup |
The system notifications contain the following information:
- Account name: It is the fields {#Accounts.PrimaryContact#} ({#Leases.AccountName#}).
- Subscription name: It is the field {#Leases.Name#}.
- Name of the product or add-on: It is either the field {#Products.Name#} or {#LeaseHistory.Product#} respectively.
- The new quantity of that entity (subscription or add-on): It is the field {#Leases.Quantity#}.
A notification is dispatched for any of the following actions:
The Subscription’s Quantity Changed notification is dispatched when:
Change quantity occurs from BSS via the Change quantity button for any execution type (Immediate/Specific date/End of billing cycle) once the quantity is changed.
Change quantity from a BSS order with the flag maintain one active enabled in the product type of the service.
The quantity is increased or decreased by utilizing the following execution types (Immediate or End of billing cycle) from Storefront.
The quantity is increased from Storefront while the flag maintain one active is enabled.
The Addon’s Quantity Changed notification is dispatched when:
Change quantity occurs from BSS via the Change quantity button for any execution type (Immediate/Specific date/End of billing cycle) once the quantity is changed.
The quantity is increased or decreased by utilizing the following execution types (immediate or end of billing cycle) from Storefront.
Notifications for Deleted Subscriptions
For sending notifications for deleted subscriptions, you need to set:
- When to Send = On Delete.
- Related Entity = Subscriptions
- Apply Rule = Apply end to existing records.
Send the Same Notification for each Billing Cycle
If you want a notification to be dispatch every time a subscription is renewed (i.e. for each new billing cycle), you must define that this notification is sent once per billing cycle.
By selecting this option, the notification will be sent for each billing cycle. This is very useful for scenarios where you want to inform your customer before the renewal of the subscription. A typical example would be to send to your customer a reminder X days before his annual subscription will be renewed. By selecting this option, your notification will be sent once per year since the subscription has an annual billing cycle.