Defining the Cancellation Policy per Product Type
On this page, we analyze how you can determine the cancellation policy by product type, which is explicitly related to the subscriptions and add-ons in your Storefront since that policy dictates when the cancellation will be executed automatically or not.
Defining Automatic vs. Requested Cancellation Executions
In the Storefront, a user can cancel subscriptions and add-ons. When such action occurs, the cancellation can be either automatically executed, or a cancellation request will be dispatched to the BSS for manual approval or rejection.
The two configuration options that govern the execution type of a cancellation, for subscriptions and add-ons, are Product Type related and are located inside the BSS > Setup > System Options > Billing > Products > Product Types > Product Type Details page, under the “Customer Request” options.
The “Automatic execution of add-ons cancellation requests“ option, if enabled, is responsible for automatically executing the cancellations for add-ons. Otherwise, if disabled, the cancellation execution raises a BSS request for manual approval or rejection.
The “Automatic execution of subscription cancellation requests“ option, if enabled, is responsible for automatically executing the cancellations for subscriptions. Otherwise, if disabled, the cancellation execution raises a BSS request for manual approval or rejection.
Consequently, when a product subscription or an add-on of a given product type is requested for cancellation in the Storefront, the execution type of the cancellation is governed by the state of two aforementioned options of that product type.
Automatic Cancellation Execution Based on Amount
Since BSS users may need to separate by a specific amount the cancelation requests received from the Storefront that will be executed automatically, we are introducing the choice of applying a specific amount of automatically executed cancellations of subscriptions and/or add-ons per product type. Therefore, on a product type that the Customer Request configuration options are available, the BSS admin user can set as true or false the following two (Automatic execution) checkbox options regarding the cancelation requests, and then proceed with filling in the preferred amount of automatically executed cancellation requests under the section Automatic Cancellation Limit.
The amount changes are applied only on the 2nd and 3rd checkbox options, namely:
Automatic execution of add-ons cancellation requests
Automatic execution of subscription cancellation requests
Enabling & Configuring the Automatic Cancellation Limit
When either one or both of the 2nd and 3rd Customer Request checkboxes are enabled, the Automatic Cancellation Limit section appears exactly under the Customer Request options.
Automatic Cancellation Limit is the section of the Product Type Details page where the BSS user can define up to which amount the cancellations will be executed automatically. Cancellations above the defined limit will be treated as cancellation requests and you will be asked to accept them or reject them.
Automatic Cancellation Limit Options
After enabling one of the Automatic execution checkbox options, the new section named Automatic Cancellation Limit appears and has two main options for setting it up.
The first option called Currency consists of a drop-down menu where the BSS user can select one of the available Organization currencies for which the specified amount will apply the limit.
The second option called Amount consists of a numeric field where the BSS user can fill in the preferred amount of the specific currency they wish to apply the limit. The subscription currency is always the base currency of the account meaning that the cancellation limits you will define in this section should be for accounts base currencies and not for accounts transaction currencies.