Subscriptions Quantity Change / Cancellation Report - Tool

Subscriptions Quantity Change / Cancellation Report - Tool



The Subscriptions Quantity Change / Cancellation Report tool allows the BSS user to request the system to produce an ad-hoc report based on a specified timeframe regarding the quantity changes and cancellations of subscriptions and add-ons. Furthermore, the report includes the initial quantity, the changed quantity as well as the final quantity. Also, certain filters can be used to distinguish the end results, from subscriptions to add-ons and from quantity changes to full cancellations. This tool also supports the export of those results to an Excel file. Therefore, this report retrieves its input data from the history of all the subscriptions in your BSS platform in order to filter them based on your predefined preferences and present the end results. Let’s check it in more detail in the following sections of this page.


Accessing the Tool

By navigating to the BSS Setup > Tools, you can locate the Subscriptions - Quantity Change / Cancellation Report tool under the Other Tools section.

Clicking on the hyperlinked tool name redirects you to its page for interaction.


Retrieving Quantity Changes or Cancellations of Subscriptions & Add-ons

Once the page is displayed, you can witness six elements along with a button. These are the options that you can predefine in order to control the end results of the report. Let’s analyze them so that you can understand how each element shapes those results.

The tool is comprised of two date-picking options and four checkbox options, which are all correlated:

  • Start Date: Is the date from which the tool will initiate its search when creating the report. It affects all other options.

  • End Date: Is the date by which the tool will stop its search when creating the report. It affects all other options.

  • Include Increase Quantity*: This option, when enabled, instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display subscriptions and/or add-ons that have experienced an increase in their quantity, within the specified timeframe.

  • Include Decrease Quantity*: This option, when enabled, instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display subscriptions and/or add-ons that have experienced a decrease in their quantity, within the specified timeframe.

  • Include Add-on Changes: This option, when enabled, instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display add-ons in the report, while depending on the other three selectable options, the included add-ons will have experienced either an increase, a decrease, a cancellation, or all.

  • Include Cancellations: This option, when enabled, instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display subscriptions and/or add-ons that have experienced a cancellation, within the specified timeframe. By cancellation, we mean that the subscription and/or add-on quantity has become zero.

* By default, the Include Increase Quantity and Include Decrease Quantity based results display data only from subscriptions, but if the Include Add-on Changes option is enabled, then the results will also include data from Add-ons [whenever applicable]).

Once the options of the tool have been configured based on your preferences and you click on the Run Tool button, the tool’s mechanism begins the creation of the report instantaneously, and in a few seconds, you can see the results.


Displaying the Results of the Tool’s Report

After you have clicked the Run Tool button, the results of the report appear under the button in a tabular fashion, inside thirteen columns, in a single sheet. At the beginning of the report, there is information concerning the accounts, the subscriptions, the add-ons(if applicable), the quantity changes or cancellations, and the date and hour that the changes took place.

The default sorting is based first on the Subscription ID and secondly on the timeframe the change occurred. The thirteen columns are analyzed below:

  • Billing Account ID: Is the ID of the account that is billed.

  • Billing Account Name: Is the name of the account that is billed.

  • Account ID: Is the ID of the (customer) account that enjoys the services.

  • Account Name: Is the name of the (customer) account that enjoys the services.

  • Subscription ID: Is the ID of the subscription that experienced the quantity changes or cancellation.

  • Subscription Name: Is the name of the subscription that experienced the quantity changes or cancellation.

  • Subscription Product: Is the name of the product within the subscription.

  • Add-on Product: Is the name of the add-on within the subscription. This field is populated with the name of the add-on only when there is an add-on in the report.

  • Subscription Current Status: Is the present status of the subscription or add-on.

    • Active: It means that the subscription is active and has experienced either an increase or a decrease in its quantity.

    • Suspended: It means that the subscription is inactive, and its quantity is considered as zero.

    • Canceled: It means that the subscription is canceled, and its quantity is zero.

  • Start Quantity: Is the numeric value of the subscription or add-on before the quantity change or cancellation.

  • Quantity Change: Is the numeric value of the subscription or add-on during the quantity change or cancellation. If there is the minus ( - ) mathematical symbol in front of the numeric value, this means that the quantity was decreased. Otherwise, it means that the quantity was increased.

  • Final Quantity: Is the numeric value of the subscription or add-on after the quantity change or cancellation.

  • Changed At: Is the date and time that the quantity change or cancellation took place. This date and time field is populated based on the date format (and timezone) of the BSS organization.


Exporting the Results of the Tool’s Report

After the appearance of the list of usage records, an Export to Excel button is available, which will export the whole results table of the tool to a spreadsheet. This means that this action does not perform any extra retrieving of data but rather exports what is currently on the UI of the BSS User. The Excel columns are the same as the ones found in the list of the tool. The format of the name of the Excel file is the following: "SubscriptionsQuantityChange_CancellationReport_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.xslx", where YYYYMMDD is the date backwards, beginning with the year and ending with the day, then follows the letter T that is our abbreviation of time for this Excel file, and afterwards the time follows in the form of HHMMSS (utilizing two digits) for the hour, the minutes, and the seconds that the Excel file was indeed exported. A visual example of the name of an exported Excel file follows below: