

Manage Subscriptions

  • Understanding Subscription Billing
  • Changing the Pricing of a SubscriptionIn Cloud BSS, you can change the pricing of an active subscription for the current billing cycle or the next billing cycle. The options you can change are the subscription’s price list/user-defined unit price/subscription discount/billing cycle. The changes can be performed by selecting from the subscription details page the action “Edit Pricing Info“. Please note that different options and rules are applicable for different subscription types (i.e., normal, price-protected, automatic pricing re
  • Activating the Price Protection for a Microsoft SubscriptionYou can add an existing Microsoft subscription under price protection either from the respective action in the subscription details page or from the bulk action that is available in the list of subscriptions. The price protection will be activated both for the subscription and its active add-ons.
  • Managing Subscription QuantityThe platform allows you to adjust the quantity within an existing subscription, whether to increase or decrease it. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you make these changes.
  • Managing Multiple Subscription Changes on the Same Day
  • Managing Subscription ReprovisioningIn the following sections of this page, you can examine the method with which you can reprovision a subscription, a bundle, and a sub-subscription of a bundle.
  • Managing Suspended SubscriptionsIn the following sections of this page, you will examine the method with which you can suspend as well as activate a suspended subscription but you will also find a procedure that assists you further by protecting you from unnecessary actions towards suspended subscriptions.  
  • Managing Failed SubscriptionsIn the following sections of this page, you will examine the method with which you can re-provision a failed subscription but you will also find a procedure that assists you further by protecting you from unnecessary actions towards failed subscriptions.  
  • Managing Subscription Automatic RenewalsIn the following sections of this page, you can examine the method with which you can enable or disable the automatic renewal of subscriptions.
  • Manage Future RequestsThis page contains a detailed overview of how to manage the amount of licenses, the billing plan, and the billing term of a subscription upon its renewal in the BSS.

Subscriptions Cancellations

  • Defining the Cancellation Policy per Product TypeOn this page, we analyze how you can determine the cancellation policy by product type, which is explicitly related to the subscriptions and add-ons in your Storefront since that policy dictates when the cancellation will be executed automatically or not.
  • Full-Subscription Cancellation ProcessThis page provides an analysis of the full subscription cancellation process. It includes an explanation of the full cancellation flow and outlines three different scenarios that illustrate both successful and unsuccessful cancellations. These scenarios detail user interactions and the expected system notifications throughout the process.
  • Cancellations submitted by your Customers - Automatic FlowIn the Storefront, your customers have two options available for canceling a subscription and/or an add-on.
  • Cancellations submitted by your Customers - Non-Automatic FlowIn the Storefront, your customers have two options available for canceling a subscription and/or an add-on.
  • Receiving Cancellation RequestsIn BSS, when a non-automatically executed cancellation request is created from a Storefront customer, those requests require manual handling, either because you may wish to not act upon the cancellation immediately by either accepting it or rejecting it, or because for various reasons you may not wish to allow automatic executions of cancellations for a particular product type.
  • Managing Cancellation RequestsThis page explains how you can review and accept or reject your customer's cancellation request submitted from the Storefront.
  • Cancellations from BSSIn this article, we explain the cancellation procedure in BSS for subscriptions and add-ons, along with the available options you have.
  • Reports of CancellationsThis page explains how you can create a report which will contain all the “pending for cancellation” subscriptions and add-ons.

Manage Trial Subscriptions

  • Upgrade a Trial Subscription to PaidWhen a trial subscription reaches the last day of the trial period, it can be upgraded to a paid one. Also, the upgrade can take place at any point during the lifetime of the trial subscription.
  • Extend the Trial PeriodFor existing trial subscriptions, you can prolong the trial period to match customer needs and requirements. Check out how to do that!
  • Create a Trial SubscriptionYou may create a trial subscription in the BSS, either from the Subscriptions section, or for a specific product or account from the respective section.

Upgrade/Downgrade a Subscription

The interworks.cloud platform allows your customers and resellers upgrade or downgrade their subscriptions, fully or partially. This page contains instructions on how to set Upgrade paths, and how to Upgrade and Downgrade subscriptions in the BSS and in the Storefront.

Subscriptions Quantity Change / Cancellation Report - Tool

"Upcoming Payments" Feature for Subscriptions

On this page, you can find information about the Upcoming Payments feature. This feature allows resellers to collect proactive payments from customers for subscriptions nearing their renewal date.

  • Upcoming Payments Merge Fields for Reports & NotificationsBSS users and operation teams can benefit from creating reports and custom notifications in order to better monitor the subscriptions that have Upcoming Payments. On this page you will find the guides for creating both, via the use of the respective (Has Upcoming Payment) merge field.

External Pricing Merge Fields for Reports & Notifications

BSS users and operation teams can benefit from creating reports and custom notifications in order to better monitor the subscriptions that failed to retrieve their pricing automatically by an external system. On this page you will find the guides for creating both, via the use of the respective (external pricing) merge fields.

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