Managing Failed Subscriptions
Panagiotis Papanastasiou
In the following sections of this page, you will examine the method with which you can re-provision a failed subscription but you will also find a procedure that assists you further by protecting you from unnecessary actions towards failed subscriptions.
Retry Action for Re-Provisioning Failed Subscriptions
When a subscription fails to sync and deliver the provisioning of the service, you will receive an email notification that informs you about the failure.
In order to re-sync the failed subscription, you need to proceed to the subscription's view page by first locating it from within the subscriptions' list, under the BSS path: Billing → Subscriptions → Subscriptions List → "name of failed subscription".
Upon opening that subscription, you can examine the field "Provisioning Sync Status" which in the case of subscription provisioning failure will have two links as its values. The first is the "Failed" link and the second is the "Retry" link.
When the "Failed" link is chosen, you are provided with the reason that the synchronization failed, as depicted in the following sample image. Usually the reason of failure is easily understood and helpful especially when you wish to rectify the issue causing the failure.
It is important to rectify the issue based on the "Comments" found inside the Synchronization Details pop-up window and then proceed with the re-provisioning of the subscription.
When the "Retry" link is chosen, then the re-provisioning request is sent so as to try and sync the subscription. After retrying and when all errors are rectified, you will see the "Provisioning Sync Status" field having the value "Synchronized" (meaning that the subscription is now synced).
Subscription / Asset with "Failed Synchronization" Status
In BSS and Storefront user will not be able to perform actions on a subscription or add-on with failed sync status such as changing its billing or its quantity, since all these actions do not make sense as a failed subscription is not linked to the respective external system.
We have therefore implemented a protection mechanism to all Service Managers that create subscriptions with or without add-ons and execute provisioning, to protect the users by not allowing them to perform certain actions that execute provisioning until their status is successfully synced. This way, the Customer is not charged extra or applying billing changes for a service that already is not available to him. A subscription can become synced via the "Retry" action or via "Edit-Save".
Once the subscription and or add-on is synced, all actions are allowed. The same approach is followed for assets.
Notification Messages During "Failed Synchronization"
Since users on Storefront as well as on BSS need to be aware and informed of cases of a "Failed Synchronization", we have implemented user-friendly notification messages, that appear inside both our Storefront and BSS, and clearly clarify the synchronization issue at hand. The examples that follow are indicative of the messages that will be displayed per case.
When a Customer or a Reseller adds to cart a service which could update an already failed subscription, the system will not update or create a new subscription only if the “Maintain one Active” (flag) option is enabled on the Product Type and other system conditions are met. As a result, the following message will appear.
In BSS, a notification message will be displayed either in the form (1) of a pop-up window (as error, when executing an order) or in the form (2) of a ribbon (for already failed subscriptions/assets), to inform the user of the failed sync status of a subscription, asset and add-on.
Also, in BSS, all failed subscriptions, assets, and add-ons will have a ribbon for informing your operations team that no provisioning or billing actions can be performed.
Nonetheless, the following actions will also trigger those notification messages:
To execute an order that will increase the quantity of a failed subscription.
To execute an order that will add an add-on in a failed subscription.
To change the quantity of a failed subscription or a failed add-on.
To add an add-on to a failed subscription.
To change the pricing rules of a failed subscription or a failed add-on.
To edit a failed add-on.
To edit a failed asset.
To purchase extra licenses for a failed subscription.
To place a new order that will increase the quantity of an existing failed subscription.
Non-Editable Entities During "Failed Synchronization"
During a "failed synchronization" of a subscription, asset or add-on, some editable actions will be deactivated, until the subscription, asset or add-on is successfully synced.
All the provisioning actions available for a failed subscription from both “My-Subscriptions” view and from “Subscription” view, such as Buy Add-ons, Buy Licenses, Cancel an Add-on, Upgrade subscription, Downgrade subscription will disappear except for the " Cancel the subscription" action. The same changes apply for the failed assets.
The same deactivation rule applies for the Subscription's shortcuts, along with the Quantity and the option to Edit the Pricing Info, as being part of the provisioning.
Shortcut Menu – Non-Editable Actions:
All provisioning actions displayed in the Shortcut Menu inside the subscription’s view page on BSS, such as the "Buy a Reservation", "Add Add-on" and "Renew" will disappear, except from the "Generate Invoices", "Pending Invoices", "Suspend" and "Cancel".
All provisioning actions displayed in the Shortcut Menu inside the asset’s view page on BSS, such as the "Update Licenses' Status" and "Resend Activation Link" will disappear, except from the "Generate Invoices" and "Pending Invoices" (also on ESD assets the "Cancel" action).
Subscription’s View Page – Non-Editable Options:
The Quantity of the subscription will not be editable, since the “Change” link will disappear.
The "Edit Pricing Info" button from the navigation buttons of the subscription’s view will disappear for all failed subscriptions. This also applies to Price Protection subscriptions and add-ons.
Add-ons’ Overview – Non-Editable Options:
Since add-ons have their own provisioning status, a failed add-on needs to be synced before any purchase or change action can occur.
Therefore, if only the add-on is failed while the subscription is synced, the buttons are hidden only from the add-on while the actions on the subscription's view page (such as "Add Add-on", etc) will be available.If a subscription is synced and only the provisioning of the add-on has failed, the "Change" link (next to the Quantity) as well as the "Edit" link (in the beginning of the add-on row) will disappear. Also, the "Edit Prices" link, located next to the Unit Price, on the add-ons overview will disappear when a subscription which is under Price Protection has a failed sync status since the add-on inherits the terms of Price Protection from the subscription.