Editing Custom Fields of Canceled Assets in BSS Portal


This page offers information on how to edit the values of custom fields of canceled assets inside the BSS portal.


Editing Asset Custom Fields in BSS After the Asset’s Cancellation

To edit custom fields of a canceled asset in the BSS portal, the user has to first locate it from within the list of Canceled Assets and then click it to be redirected to the asset view page.


From there, the user can click on the Edit button, from the top main menu.


Once the user lands on the Edit page of the canceled asset, all the custom fields under the Additional Information section are available for editing. No other field is editable.

After finishing those changes, by clicking on the Save button, the changes will be in effect inside the edited custom field and will be displayed on the Asset’s view page in the BSS platform. Of course, the asset will remain canceled.


Editing Asset Custom Fields in BSS After the Backordered Asset’s Cancellation

Concerning canceled assets that are backordered, the asset on the Parent BSS can be edited only in terms of its custom fields. Also, the asset on the Tenant BSS can be edited only in terms of its custom fields. The same rules apply to the Tenant Resellers.


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