3.28.79 Release

3.28.79 Release


Date:  Dec 28, 2022

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.79.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Backordering Process for Subscriptions with External Pricing (NCE products)

We improved how we calculate the prices for subscriptions created or managed in a Tenant reseller and pushed them back to the Root Organization via the Backordering process. For products using the external pricing mechanism, we now identify the vendor’s cost and sell prices when the subscription is created in the Tenant reseller. We then push these prices back to the Root organization instead of re-calculating again in the Root organization. We decided to follow this approach for:

  • Eliminating the price discrepancies between the two organizations if the external pricing mechanism fails in the root organization.

  • Improving the performance of our platform by decreasing the API calls we send to Microsoft.

Integration Framework - Use of the Aggregated Invoice Items

From this release, our integration framework returns only the aggregated invoice items. This will simplify any implementation that is based on the integration framework since you will not need extra conditions for separating the aggregated lines from the analytical lines.

Billing Software Subscriptions and Perpetual Licenses using Microsoft FX Rates

For billing software subscriptions and perpetual licenses, we initially search if the customer’s currency is included in the Microsoft price file. If not, we check in the conversion tool for the FX rate for the customer’s currency. If you haven’t defined any FX rate in the conversion tool, we then use Microsoft’s FX rates.

From this release, the Microsoft FX rate we are using is the rate between the customer’s currency and the default currency, as defined in Microsoft connector settings.


Resolved Issues

A list of the major bugs fixed in this release

Bug Description

Bug Description

No credit invoice is generated in the root organization when a perpetual license is cancelled in the tenant organization.

Tenant Resellers: NCE subscriptions that are upgraded fully from customers (via the Storefront) are having wrong cost prices - Microsoft cost price is used, not what reseller will pay to the distributor.

Volume pricing discounts are not applied correctly when a customer is billed from a pricelsit that is using cost markup rule.

When a BSS User upgrades a trial subscription for a product with External Pricing Product and Price Protection, the upgraded paid subscription has not correct values.