3.28.59 Release

3.28.59 Release

Date:  Mar 29, 2022

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.59.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Migrate All Eligible Legacy Microsoft Subscriptions to New Commerce Experience

With this release, a new migration tool called NCE Migration Tool is introduced for easily and automatically migrating your existing Microsoft legacy subscriptions to the respective New Commerce Experience (NCE) subscriptions in just a few simple clicks. This tool is available to both your customers (resellers or direct customers) and you. Depending on who accesses the NCE Migration Tool (by that a distributor, a reseller, or a direct customer), the available search options of the tool change to increase its ease of use and display only relative results.

The migration tool runs for a specific Microsoft tenant (i.e., your direct customer or the customer of your reseller), meaning that your resellers should run the tool for each of their customers. The process is a simple three-step process:

  1. Eligibility check: This step identifies which legacy subscriptions can be transitioned to NCE.
    * we don’t yet support the transition for legacy subscriptions with add-ons.

  2. NCE subscriptions options: For the eligible subscriptions you will select to migrate to NCE, you can define its billing cycle and its billing frequency (for annual subscriptions).

  3. Transition to NCE: For each selected subscription, an asynchronous process is initiated for transitioning to NCE. It is achieved by calling the APIs Microsoft has released for this process. When the transition has been completed, the legacy subscription will be canceled and a new NCE subscription will have been created both on our platform and in Microsoft Partner Center.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the upcoming release note 3.28.60.


Please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/568852481 page for more information.

Cancelation Period for NCE Subscriptions has been Extended to 168 hours (7 days)

Microsoft has extended the cancelation period for the New Commerce Experience (NCE) subscriptions from 72 hours (3 days) to 168 hours (7 days) from purchase or renewal. Therefore, all the Microsoft tenants can also enjoy the same cancellation period extension on our platforms for their NCE subscriptions.

Please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/570458113/Managing+NCE+Subscriptions#Canceling-NCE-Subscriptions page for more information.


Availability of Logs for the Microsoft Health Check Mechanism

BSS users can now access the Logs of the Microsoft Health Check Mechanism (HCM) for troubleshooting purposes since the logs list every action of the HCM tool, from the time it is automatically initiated until the time it finishes for every run.

Please check the Microsoft Health Check Mechanism | Logs Tab page for more information.


Improvement in the Health Check Mechanism

After the above-mentioned introduction of the NCE Migration Tool, the Health Check Mechanism has been improved in such a way as to ignore the legacy Microsoft subscriptions that were migrated to their respective New Commerce Experience (NCE) subscriptions to avoid false-positive inconsistencies.

Please check the Microsoft Health Check Mechanism | Checks Performed by the HCM & Eligible Product Types page for more information.


Corrections made in Unit Costs for the NCE Invoice Items

We observed that in some cases, the cost prices for the NCE invoice items were not accurately retrieved for some CSPs selling to multiple countries and we have now fixed this issue.

Updates on APIs


Organization API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to retrieve all banks of an organization.

Affected End-Point(s)

GET /api/organization/banks




Payments API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to create a new cash payment.

Affected End-Point(s)

POST /api/payments/cash




Payments API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to create a new deposit payment.

Affected End-Point(s)

POST /api/payments/deposit




Payments API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to create a new check payment.

Affected End-Point(s)

POST /api/payments/check




Products API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to retrieve whether a specific product has the external pricing option enabled or disabled.

Affected End-Point(s)





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