3.28.51 Release

3.28.51 Release

Date:  Feb 1, 2022

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.51.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


New Commerce Experience - Partial Cancellations are Available in BSS & Storefront

For New Commerce Experience (NCE) offers, partners can immediately decrease (partially cancel) their subscription licenses from both the BSS and the Storefront. Additionally, the cancellation timeframe is now available in the form of a ribbon inside each active NCE subscription for the BSS users to know until when the cancellation of a subscription is possible.

Partial Cancellation

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the upcoming release note 3.28.51.


NCE Cancellation Time Frame Ribbon

Please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/541819780/Managing+NCE+Subscriptions#Changing-the-Subscription-Licenses page for more information.


Standard Edition - Office 365 & Gmail Emails can be used for Dispatching Notificatons

The Standard resellers can now setup and utilize the Gmail OAuth V2.0 & Office 365 OAuth V2.0 mail server authorizations for dispatching their email notifications to their customers.

Please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/452723619 page for more information.


“Trial to Paid” Subscriptions With Editable Quantity

From this release onwards, the BSS users can select the subscription quantity while they upgrade a trial subscription to a paid one.

Please check theUpgrade a Trial Subscription to Paid page for more information.


Subscriptions Transition to Failed Status after 120 mins

When a provisioning action remains under the “In Progress” phase, a retry function runs automatically every 5 seconds for a total of 120 minutes until the provisioning action is completed within this time frame.
If a subscription, sub-subscription, or add-on remains under the “In Progress” step for more than 120 minutes, its provisioning status will change to failed, but the user can try the provisioning action again.


Updates on APIs


OrderItems API (V.3)


OrderItems API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to retrieve the characteristics of a sub-item of a bundle order item based on the given IDs.

Affected End-Point(s)

GET /api/orderItems/{itemId}/bundleProducts/{productId}/characteristics



Products API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The new end-point provides the ability to retrieve the category path of a product.

Affected End-Point(s)

GET /api/products/{productId}/categorypath



Products API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The new end-point provides the ability to retrieve all product categories of the organization. (Pagination is supported)

Affected End-Point(s)

GET /api/products/categories