3.28.52 Release

3.28.52 Release

Date:  Feb 9, 2022

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.52.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Direct Customers Have Their Own Storefront Dashboard

With this release, we are introducing the Storefront dashboard for Direct Customers.
This dashboard is tailor made to direct customers since it contains widgets specifically for providing a fast, accurate, effortless, and user-friendly overview of a direct customer's data with meaningful statistics such as metrics, KPIs, and other relative data. The tool's purpose is to eliminate any wrong assumptions, minimize the risk of missing critical information, and assist in important business decisions/activities. Overall, this tool provides the direct customers with a complete business dashboard. 

Please check the Direct Customer's Dashboard Widgets page for more information.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the upcoming release note 3.28.53.


Storefront Widget Dashboards Are Now Configurable

We are pleased to announce that both Storefront widget dashboards for Resellers and Direct Customers are now configurable.
With this release, you can customize the layout of the Storefront dashboards and select the widgets you want to show, containing different metrics depending on the logged-in Storefront user (a reseller or a direct customer).

Also, the dashboard page can be configured as the landing page of your Storefront.

Please check the Storefront Dashboards page for more information.


Trial Products For “Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud”

Acronis MSPs can now offer a 30-day free trial to anyone who wishes to evaluate the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud products. Trials are converted to paid by Acronis automatically at the end of the free period. Our platform automates the management of Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud product trials by allowing the customers of MSPs to evaluate any Cyber Protect Cloud product they wish.

Please check the Trial Products of Acronis MSPs page for more information.


“Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud” Subscriptions Support Cancellation and Suspension

Subscriptions of Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud (ACPC) products can now be canceled or suspended. MSPs can cancel an ACPC Subscription belonging to their end customer(direct or reseller’s en customer) via both BSS and Storefront. Also, in case an MSP wants to restrict temporarily their end customers to use the Acronis ACPC services but continue to be charged, then they can suspend the subscription.

Please check the Managing an Acronis Consumption Based Subscription page for more information.


Adobe Enterprise Products Available for Sale

Since Adobe has recently made available a certain number of Enterprise-level products, our platform offers them for sale (after refreshing your Adobe catalog via the Get Services Definition process from the Service Manager) as well as automatic provisioning and billing, just like any other Adobe service.

Please check the Adobe VIP MP Integration page for relevant information on Adobe VIP MP products.


Improvements on The Storefront Nebula-Template Checkout Section

The following Storefront section, namely, the Billing Address section of the Basket Items page, has been refactored using the vuejs technology. This section appears in editable form only when there is missing information from the Billing Address form or from certain custom fields that are required for the checkout of either end-customers of a reseller or affiliate accounts of a reseller. Consequently, this form appears during the Basket Items page for the reseller to fill in the required yet missing Billing Address or custom field information. Essentially, there is no difference in the User Interface but if you have custom-script(s), CSS, or rebranding applied to this page section, you should verify that the aforementioned section is being displayed properly.

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