3.28.56 Release

3.28.56 Release

Date:  Mar 9, 2022

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.56.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Adobe VIP MP Supports Selling in Multiple Currencies

With this release the Adobe VIP MP distributors can choose multiple currencies with which they wish to offer Adobe services to their customers.

Please check the Adobe VIP MP Volume Discount OLD 4 | Enabling Pricing Currencyarchived page for more information.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

For the upcoming release note 3.28.57, there are no new strings available for translation.


Upcoming Changes

We would like to inform you of upcoming changes, in the form of a schema update, in the API, and the Integration Framework that will reach you in the upcoming releases. We will inform you about the specific release date on a later date.

All partners and customers that use Price Protection will need to apply the following schema changes:

  1. On the Integration Framework: The “term” field will be removed from the “Product” object and will migrate to the “Product prices” object. Please check the https://developers.interworks.cloud/integration-framework/1362#Product-2 page for more information.

  2. The same change applies to the “Public API”: More specifically on the Products API (V.3), the affected end-point is the “GET /api/products/{productId}/pricing“. The “term” field will remain in the same schema but will be moved further below, inside the collection of the prices.


Updates on APIs


Payments API (V.3)


Payments API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to retrieve a specific payment based on the given ID.

Affected End-Point(s)

GET /api/payments/{paymentId}




Payments API (V.3)

Improvement Description

The change provides the ability to retrieve all payments of the organization.

Affected End-Point(s)

GET /api/payments