Define the Marketing Material of your Product

Define the Marketing Material of your Product

This page offers information on how to add marketing material for a product in your Storefront. Learn how to configure the detailed pages of your products in order to give your end customers a better understanding of the services you offer.

Product Overview Settings

In the Storefront Settings page of a Product, there is a one to one representation of the Overview, Features and Support tabs of the detailed page of this product in your Storefront.

Product Overview

In the Overview tab, on the left side of the page, there is a  WYSIWYG editor where you can add information in order to give to customers a high level of understanding of this product. The editor has two operation modes, the 'Design' and 'HTML' modes. The first can be easily used as it allows copy-paste operations and consists of several tools to facilitate your work. 


On the right side of the page, under the Screenshots, Demo & Documents sections, you can add screenshots, demo links and documentation links related to this product.



To attach screenshots, click on add/remove screenshots. In the pop-up window, click on Browse... to locate the screenshots. Once you select the desired screenshots, click on Upload. When you finish click on Close and make sure to click on Enable Link so that the screenshots you added will be visible in your Storefront.


To attach YouTube videos, click on Edit Demo Link to access the edit window. Fill in the YouTube URL and  give a description that will be displayed at the storefront. Click on Save. When you finish click on Close and make sure to click on Enable Link so that the YouTube videos you added will be visible in your Storefront.



Attach documents by clicking on Add/Remove Documents. In the upload window, drag-n-drop documents to make them available.

Click on edit link to change the name of the link that will be displayed in your Storefront. Click on Close. When you finish click on Close and make sure to click on Enable Link so that the documents you added will be visible in your Storefront.



To add extra links with information regarding the product, click on Add Link


Product Features Settings

In the Features tab, check the “Display features tab in Storefront” flag to make the Features tab visible in your Storefront. To add features to this product, click on Add New Feature. You will be presented with a form where you have to fill in Feature Title and Feature Description. Once you finish editing, click on Save.


Display your Product Properties in Features Tab

To add in the Features list an extra feature that contains a presentation matrix of the properties of this product, go to the Product Characteristics section and click on enable feature

Once you enable Product Characteristics, an extra tab will appear in your Features list, containing a matrix that includes all the Product Properties you selected to be visible in your Storefront. To learn how to select which Properties of a Product Type will be visible in your Storefront, please visit the Create a Comparison Matrix for the Editions of a Product Group guide.

Product Support Settings

In the Support tab, check the Display support tab in Storefront flag in order to make Support tab visible in your Storefront.

Under Support Options, you are able to provide support details for this product, such as:

  • Support Phone Number

  • Support email address

  • Knowledge base URL

  • Any Support Details, for example, the available support plans that you offer for this product.

You can proceed by learning how to publish a Product Group in Storefront  

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