3.28.39 Release

3.28.39 Release

Date:  Oct 25, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.39.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Address Validation Is Now Available For BSS & Storefront

With this release, we are introducing the Address Validation feature to both our platforms (BSS & Storefront) with the help of two external address validators, namely Avalara and Microsoft.

The purpose of Address Validation inside the BSS and Storefront platforms is to assist the users during the filling in of address forms and prevent any address-related errors from happening during the Save process. This mechanism is triggered in almost all scenarios relating to creating or editing an address, and as such, it is a valuable tool for all users of both platforms.

Currently, the address validation is only available for USA and Canadian addresses. More specifically, the Microsoft Address Validator can be utilized for validating addresses only in the USA, whereas the Avalara Address Validator can be utilized for validating addresses in both USA and Canada.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the upcoming release note 3.28.40.


For more details, please check the Address Validation Mechanism page.

“Single Logout” Functionality Is Now Available For BSS & Storefront

With the support of Single Logout, BSS & Storefront users can sign out of both their BSS/Storefront session and their configured external identity provider application with a single action when they have signed in using an external identity provider that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard.

For more details, please check this page Single Logout Flow (OIDC) - BSS for the BSS platform or this page Single Logout Flow (OIDC) - Storefront for the Storefront.


Improvements on Adobe VIP MP Migration Tool

At the first step of the Adobe VIP MP migration tool, a disclaimer informs the Storefront user that only VIP IDs linked to a level 1 Adobe customers are eligible to be transferred to the Adobe VIP MP channel and at the same time be migrated to the BSS platform, since currently, only level 1 Adobe customers can be transferred and migrated by the tool.

For more details, please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/509804640/Adobe+VIP+MP+Migration+Tool#Checking-Customer%E2%80%99s-Eligibility-Step-1 page.


Improvements on Subscriptions API

Subscriptions API is now supporting the identification of whether a subscription contains a Bundle product or not.

  • The boolean “isBundle“ $filter property has been added inside the following two end-points, “GET api/subscriptions“ and “GET api/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}“ to facilitate the identification of a Bundle product inside a subscription.

  • Please note that we have excluded the capability of fetching information concerning the Bundle Child Subscriptions from all the end-points. In the upcoming releases, a new module will be introduced so that you can get all the available information concerning the Bundle Child Subscriptions.

For more details concerning the “isBundle“ $filter property, please check the Subscriptions ($filter) page.

Resolved Issues


Activate button in Notifications list is not working


Microsoft Nonprofit plans cannot be ordered from the Storefront.


More than one uploader windows appear when I upload screenshots for product's marketing material.


Pending Asset Cancellation Requests dashboard widget - wrong name in for the “Assets” column


The “Buy add-ons” option should not be displayed in the "I want to..." menu when there is only one available addon and has already been purchased.


An Order characteristics of a multi-select type which is compulsory is not treated as mandatory field and the customer can proceed to checkout without setting a value


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