3.28.45 Release

3.28.45 Release

Date:  Dec 7, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.45.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Availability of Microsoft Perpetual Licenses to Government, Education, and Non-Profit Customers

You are now able to update your BSS catalog with Microsoft perpetual licenses of Government, Education, and Non-Profit qualification, for your customers. In this release, we fully support the provisioning of non-commercial perpetual licenses, but we don’t yet offer automatic pricing.

The support of multiple prices of a perpetual license based on the segment and the country of the end customer , is not yet offered, and will become available in the first quarter of 2022. 

With this version, an intermediate  solution is provided and will require a manual creation of a new set of perpetual products for each segment/country and the definition of each product's pricing with the product importer.

Please check the https://interworkscloud.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ICPD/pages/537166336 page for more details.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the upcoming release note 3.28.46.



Billing Improvement on the Acronis Cyber Cloud for Distributors

The billing mechanism has been updated for the Acronis Cyber Cloud Distributors, to eliminate a minor gap where the invoices of the contract subscriptions with a minimum commitment amount that had no consumption-based charges from the billing items, were not being invoiced. Now, those contract subscriptions are being invoiced based only on the minimum commitment amount.

For more details, please check the Billing an Acronis CSP based on his Contract page.


Improvement on the “Reset Password” Email

The email template, that is used for resetting the password of a BSS user who utilizes the native (local) login, is changed. The change occurred because this latest email template is now aligned with the latest IT security implementations.

For more details, please check the Login Flows & User Registration in BSS | Password Reset for Native (local) Login BSS User page.


Updates on APIs


Orders API


Orders API

Improvement Description

Inside the Orders API V3 the isBundle boolean flag is added to check whether an order item is a bundle or not.

Affected End-Point(s)

GET api/orders/{orderId}/items

GET api/orders/{orderId}/items/{itemId}