3.28.44 Release

3.28.44 Release

Date:  Nov 29, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.44.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Acronis MSPs Can Choose Their Commitment Tier Level

Acronis MSPs can either have their commitment tier be automatically retrieved from the Acronis portal or select a specific commitment tier, from the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Service Manager page, that will be used instead of the one that has been defined in the Acronis portal by default. Therefore, MSPs can update their commitment tier level at any time due to business reasons, to retrieve the corresponding cost prices for use.

For more details, please check the Activating the Integration of Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud page.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the upcoming release note 3.28.45.



Billing Service Refactoring VERSION 1

With the Billing Service refactoring, customers with great workloads can enjoy much faster and more reliable billing services than ever before.
More specifically, we have refactored our billing service for achieving the following performance benefits:

  • Reduce the Subscription Renew Activity time to more than half.

  • Reduce the Subscription Update Activity time to more than half.

  • Reduce the Billing Process execution (in total) by almost half.

  • Record the execution duration for all Billing Activities (in seconds).

For more details, please check the Billing Service Refactoring V1 page.


Improvements on Two Nebula-Template Storefront Sections

The following two Storefront sections, namely, the product preview section of the product catalog and the product configuration section of the product preview page, have been refactored using the vuejs technology.
There is no difference in the User Interface but if you have custom-script(s), CSS, or rebranding applied to one or both of those page sections, you should verify that both those aforementioned sections are being displayed properly.



Resolved Issues


Cannot remove invoices from Common ALL permissions rule.


As a Storefront user, when i have no address on an account and try to set one on Storefront from the My Account page, there is an error for State/Province.


API issue related to Version 3 “POST/api/orders/{orderId}/items”.


The DeleteItem method in the Basket service when it deletes an item for an end customer of a Standard Reseller, it changes the accountID of the order.


Invoices are missing with API Request Version 3.0 whereas with API Request Version 2.2 are available.


Report Scheduler Scheduling