3.28.36 Release

3.28.36 Release

Date:  Oct 4, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.36.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Automatic Update of Orders Status

The status that governs the state of each order in BSS and Storefront has been refactored and now they offer automatic status-changes and further improvements:

  • When the customer checkouts his basket, the status of the order is set to executed.

  • When a new order is created in the BSS, it gets the submitted status. When a BSS user executes the order, the status changes automatically to executed.

  • If you select partial delivery, the initial order will be marked as executed only when all suborders have been executed.

For supporting this automation, we have introduced a default set of order statuses that cannot be removed from the BSS administrators. Some “Order Statuses” along with certain options become deprecated or updated, and consequently, certain changes might occur inside the list of your “Order Statuses” because of this release.

Check please the Managing Order Statuses OLDarchived page for more details.

Reporting - The Total Cost of a Credit Invoice is returned as Negative Number

This improvement changes the sign of the “Total Cost“ field to negative when a Report contains details about a Credit Invoice. This will help you get the correct total cost of your invoices when the report includes debit and credit invoices.

Bundles API

In API v3, we introduced new methods for managing bundles. More methods will be published in the following releases.





PATCH /api/bundles/{bundleId}/pricing/prices

Partially updates the prices of an existing bundle based on the given ID.

PATCH /api/bundles/{bundleId}/products/{productId}

Partially updates an assigned product or addon of a bundle based on the given ID.


Resolved Issues


Screenshot images included in the product’s marketing material are not visible to Storefront.


Standard Edition - The reseller is not redirected to the correct list of subscriptions when he selects the “manage subscriptions” action from the customer’s details page.


Moving a product catalog below another catalog fails.


The asset notifications are duplicated when a country tenant is created.


“My Account” Storefront page crashes if it includes numeric customer fields without a default value.


Authorize .net - The addition of a credit card from the BSS fails in our platform, but the card is registered to Authorize .net.