3.28.40 Release

3.28.40 Release

Date:  Nov 1, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.40.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocols Available for BSS Notification Emails

The focus on extra security measures has led us to provide you with the most modern and secure authentication protocol mechanisms for dispatching notification emails. These modern authentication mechanisms support the same protocol named OAuth 2.0. The two available authentication mechanisms that BSS supports are the Gmail (OAuth 2.0), and the Office 365 (OAuth 2.0), so that the BSS user can choose between them.

On this page

Strings for the Upcoming Release Note

For the upcoming release note 3.28.41, there are no new strings available for translation.


For more details, please check the BSS Notification Email Authorization Protocols page.


Resolved Issues

EXL- 13470

Standard Edition - Web site tagline is not updated correctly.


The navigation links for the screenshots gallery of a product are not working correctly in the Storefront.


The name of a subfolder cannot be updated in the products catalog.


An invoice was generated twice if the user changes the quantity of an item in the Storefront basket many times.


The API call /api/pricelists/{pricelistId}/pricegroups/{pricegroupId} returns null value


The Storefront URL of a Standard reseller changes arbitrarily if the option “Storefront v4 Host Header” is not checked.


The “Buy Licenses” actions should not be available in the Storefront for a bundle subscription that has at least one sub subscription that failed to be provisioned.