3.28.19 Release

3.28.19 Release

Date:  May 20, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.19.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


DAP Request for your Microsoft Indirect Resellers

Microsoft Indirect Resellers wanting to manage an end-customer's service or subscription on their behalf must be granted administrator permissions for that service or subscription by their end-customer. The "Request a Reseller Relationship" feature in Microsoft Partner Center makes it easy for resellers to reach out to their end customers to do this. After the end-customer approves the request, the reseller will log on to the service's admin portal and manage the service on the end-customer's behalf.

We support the same feature from this release by allowing the reseller to request DAP access during the checkout process. A new checkbox named "Include delegated administration privileges for Azure Directory and Office 365" has been introduced. By enabling the checkbox, the reseller requests from his end-customer to approve administrator permissions for managing his services on his behalf.

From this release, the authorization link field in the Microsoft Cloud Services settings page is deprecated. You no longer need to define the authorization link since it will be generated automatically via an API call to Microsoft. It will contain the reseller's MPN ID for the connection between the end customer, the reseller, and you (the distributor).

For more details, check please Ordering for an Existing Office 365 Tenantarchived

Schedule Licenses Cancellations on Subscription Renewal

Your customers can now schedule cancellation of subscription licenses to be executed on the renewal of the subscription. Your customers now have two options available for canceling subscription licenses.

  • Immediate cancellation. This cancellation option is essentially the immediate cancellation execution of a subscription and/or an add-on. This is what was supported until this version.

  • End of the current Billing Period“ cancellation. This cancellation option is essentially a form of a scheduled cancellation that will be actualized at the end of the current billing period.

This feature completes the new cancellation policies we introduced in release 3.28.16 Release. For more details, please check Subscriptions Cancellations.

Schedule Subscription Quantity Changes on Renewal

From the BSS portal, your operations team can now change the quantity of a subscription (either to increase or reduce it) for the end of the current billing cycle. By selecting the option “End of Billing Period” as the effective date for the change, our system will update the subscription quantity on the next renewal.

For more details, please check Cancellations from BSS | Cancellation of Subscription Licenses in BSS (Quantity Change)

Storefront Single-Sign-On Mechanism - Improvements

This release introduces improvements for better managing the integration of your Storefront with an external Identity provider like Azure AD.

  • Disable of Native (local) Login method. You can now disable Storefront’s native login mechanism and ask your customers and resellers to log in using their external user accounts.

  • If you allow login only via an external provider, the invitation email sent to a new Storefront user will contain a link for completing the registration process through the login page of the external provider.

  • You can use Storefront’s local registration page to collect registration requests, even if you have disabled the local login and you allow access only via an external provider.

For more details, please check Login and Registration Flows

What’s next?

We are working on allowing an existing Storefront user to connect his local account with an external account. We expect it to be completed by the end of June.

Integration Framework - Bearer Token Authentication Scheme

We expanded our integration framework for supporting also the Bearer Token authentication scheme. Please check https://developers.interworks.cloud/integration-framework/bearer-token-authentication-scheme-setup for more details.

New API Methods (API v3.0)

New methods for getting the custom fields per entity (e.g., accounts, orders, etc.) are now available.



GET /api/organization/accounts/customfields

GET /api/organization/assets/customfields

GET /api/organization/contacts/customfields

GET /api/organization/invoices/customfields

GET /api/organization/leads/customfields

GET /api/organization/orders/customfields

GET /api/organization/pricelists/customfields

GET /api/organization/products/customfields

GET /api/organization/subscriptions/customfields

Resolved Issues


The warning messages for sub customer or affiliate account are not displayed correctly.


Strings are missing from the translation tool.


Azure AD login fails with the error “Wrong issuer for the token”.


API v3 - Update of custom fields is not working for Contact and Order entities.


Conflicting cancellation requests should not be executed


Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing addon cannot be purchased


Upgrade to paid an inactive PPU subscription returns error.


API method PUT/API/invoices/{invoiceId}/customfields is not working correctly.


Acronis Cyber Cloud service manager - Invoices haven’t been generated correctly.


The filters for the Storefront Assets list return wrong results


Error when de-assign credit invoice from an invoice


The product name link in the basket page should redirect the Storefront user to the product group page and not to the product page.


The “specific date” option in the add-on quantity change is not working.


Resellers Standard Edition - The listed products list crashed


Azure plan invoices haven’t been generated