3.28.22 Release

3.28.22 Release

Date:  Jun 14, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.22.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Your Storefront Users can now have more than one Login Options

Your resellers and customer can now select how they would like to log in to your Storefront. If you have integrated your Storefront with external authentication providers (for example, Azure AD or Google), your customers can now define their login preferences in the “Login Options” section we have introduced in the “My Account” page.
The “Login Options” section presents the user with alternative ways to log in to the Storefront. From this section, the Storefront users can manage their Identity Provider (IdP) accounts, be that local or external, by either connecting or disconnecting them.

You can now start the transition of your Storefront to your preferred external identity provider (for example, Azure AD) in three steps:

  1. Activate the external provider you wish

  2. Inform your customers that they can link their existing user account with their external provider account (e.g., their Microsoft account)

  3. When all your customers have connected their external accounts, disable the local login.

For more details, check please Managing External & Internal Login Accounts in Storefront

Improvements for Azure Reports

We have introduced a new field called “Usage” in the invoice items fields set. Using this field, you can now easily identify which charges are for Azure plan subscriptions and which charges are for your legacy Azure subscriptions.

  • Invoice items for Azure plan charges have as usage = Azure Plan

  • Invoice items for legacy Azure charges have as usage = MS Azure

Check please Reconciling Azure Charges with Microsoft for the changes you need to do for your Azure reconciliation reports.

New API Methods (API v3.0)





GET /api/futureactions

It returns the actions for subscriptions and add-ons cancellations or quantity changes that have been scheduled in the future. The response of this method returns the action type (can be CancellationOnEnd, ChangeQtyOnNext, and CancellationOnSpecific) and information for which subscription or add-on is about.

The filtering and ordering options can be found on FutureActions ($filter) and https://developers.interworks.cloud/public-api/ordering-collections-orderby#FutureActions_orderby pages.

GET /api/futureactions/{actionId}

It returns a single future action based on the given ID.

Get a Report for Discount Lines added in Debit Invoices

With the introduction of the “Usage” field to the invoice item report fields, you can now create a report for finding which debit invoices include discount lines. You just need to create a report by asking for invoice items with usage = Discount.

Update of Transbank’s WebPay Plus Payment Gateway

We updated our connector with WebPay gateway for using the new REST APIs they support. You no longer need to have a valid certification for activating the gateway in our platform. After you successfully register your merchant account, you will be able to get from WebPay your credentials such as the "Commercial Code" and the "Secret key (Api Key Secret)" that are required for you to set up the Transbank  Webpay Plus Payment Gateway in your BSS.

For more details, check please Transbank / WebPay Plus

Resolved Issues


The ramp up period of a consumption based subscription is not extended correctly


An RI order item cannot be deleted


The rebranding rules are not applied correctly to my account page


History records for subscription ramp up period activation are added wrongly


Wrong message is displayed for Perpetual licenses and software subscription cancellations