3.28.30 Release

3.28.30 Release

Date:  Aug 6, 2021

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.30.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Additional Dropbox Services via our Integration

By integrating Dropbox to our systems and improving it, you are now able to order Dropbox’s latest services and have the best control of your organization's content. More specifically, Dropbox offers on top of its four base-edition products namely the Standard, the Advanced, the Advanced Server, and the Education, three extra add-on features namely, the "Extended Version History", the "Data Governance" and the "Creative Tools".

Our latest implementation combines the base-edition products with the extra features when purchasing Dropbox products for the first time. Otherwise, you can upgrade your existing base-edition products to the extra-featured Dropbox products that we offer. Consequently, the philosophy is that all licensed users enjoy the same functionality from those services. In the following sections of this page, you can find further analysis of the Dropbox services.

For more details, please check the Understanding the Available Dropbox Products (old)archived page.


New Microsoft Windows 365 Business with Windows Hybrid Benefit (MVP Version) Offers

Some newly available Windows 365 Business offers with Windows Hybrid Benefit, are now available for ordering on our platform.

For more details on the offers, please check the Attestation for Windows 365 Business with Windows Hybrid Benefit (MVP Version)archived page.


Improvements of Legacy Reservation Import Prices Tool

Since import issues were rising, due to the fact that Microsoft changes quite regularly the date and prices formats of the Excel pricelist for the Legacy Reserved Instances, we have improved the “Import Prices” tool of Legacy Reservations and now any unsupported currency by Microsoft’s pricelist can be automatically generated by the tool inside the excel file prior to the import process. All you have to do is provide the tool with the Foreign Exchange rate against the USD and then the tool will automatically calculate the unsupported currency, and automatically create a column with the currency’s prices inside the same Excel file, so that you can initiate the import. Also, the activation of new currencies for the Reserved Instance product has been simplified for your convenience.

For more details, please check the Updating Azure Reservations Pricesarchived page.


Automatic Invoice Notification is now Available for Credit Invoices

From this release onwards, the automatic dispatch of email notifications is not only available for Debit invoices but it applies for Credit invoices as well. As a result, when a Credit invoice is generated an automatic email notification will be dispatched to the chosen 'Bill to Contact' BSS contact.

For more details on how to set it up, please check the Account Ordering & Billing Options | AccountOrdering&BillingOptions AnalysisoftheTwoOrdering&BillingOptions page.


Specifying the Currency Order of Appearence at the Import Prices Tool

By navigating to BSS Setup > Administrator > System Options > Select Currencies you are now able to change the order of appearance of each currency field displayed inside the Import Prices tool by changing the number inside the “Ordering” column fields.


Resolved Issues

EXL- 12850

Azure calculator fails to load.


Deassigning a mutually exclusive product is not working when you execute the action from the “all products” page.


Product name is not updated from the products importer tool.


The save action on a bundle subscription creates a new credit and a new debit invoice.


The invoice printout template does not display correctly the quantities of bundle items


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