Updating Azure Reservations Prices
Panagiotis Papanastasiou
For updating the prices of the Reserved Instances offerings you should run the "Reserved Instances Prices Importer" tool. This tool:
Accessing the tool
To access the tool, navigate to BSS Setup > Tools and open the "Import Reserved Instances Product Prices" tool.
Update Reserved Instances Cost Prices
For updating the cost prices of your Reserved Instances, you should do the following:
Download from Microsoft Partner Center the Azure RI CSP Commercial Price List excel file. It is located in Sell > Pricing and offers.
Select Browse and upload the excel. Make sure that you will select the correct Microsoft Cloud Services Instance if you have your BSS related to more than one Microsoft CSP account.
- Match the columns that are required (Service Type Column, Product ID Column, SKU Column and Effective Date).
Note: We do not display any default values for these columns because Microsoft might change the layout of the excel file in the future and we don't want to misguide you. - Match the Excel's currency columns with the tool's fields that depict the active currencies for update.
- The system displays by default all the currencies that are activated in the reserved instance product in your BSS and not the activated currencies of your organization.
The currencies that are active for the reserved instance product are marked as compulsory and you must update them by mapping the respective Excel columns to the tool's respective fields.
Fields with "...FX Rate" ending: For non supported currencies by Microsoft, a new compulsory field is introduced on the importer, called “XXX to YYY FX Rate” where "XXX" is the primary currency and "YYY" is the subscription currency. This field has no default price set to it. The BSS user is obliged to provide the foreign exchange rate only in case the currency, which does not exist on the MS pricelist, is activated on the respective reserved instances product. Consequently, the tool will automatically create a new column in the Excel file provided, which is going to be used so as to import the currencies for the respective products. For the calculation of the prices, the tool makes use of the existing USD prices of the products, as they stem from the Excel sheet provided by Microsoft, and the FX rate provided by the BSS user.
In order to fill in the FX Rate field, you need to find the foreign exchange rate by setting it as: From "USD" To "the unsupported currency".
In order to proceed please make sure that all the compulsory fields are filled in prior to clicking the "Import Excel" button for the process to begin.
Update Process
The import process will do the following:
- It will relate the uploaded Excel with the Reserved Instances product. The reserved instances are billed using the generic "pricing using excel" functionality we have but since all the work is done from the importer tool, you should not change anything from the pricing options that are defined by the importer.
- It will update all the activated and matched currencies during the import.
- It will keep as new cost prices, the prices in the Excel file.
Upon completing this process, you are ready to define your billing option by following the instructions explained in Billing an Azure Reservation.
Table of Contents
Watch Here The Related Training Video
Please note that this video is redundant since new changes have been implemented inside the tool. Consequently, an updated version of this video will soon be published.
* For full-screen video playback, please click on the Youtube icon located next to the Fullscreen
option at the bottom right corner.