3.27.8 Release

3.27.8 Release


Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.27.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.27.8.zip 
You must upgrade first to 3.27.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch

External Authentication - Single Sign-On for Storefront

The interworks.cloud platform can be integrated with external authentication services, providing registration/login capabilities for Storefront users which become authenticated through a service or external Identity Providers(IdPs). Such services can be used to identify users maintained in external user stores and map them to BSS/Storefront users providing access to the interworks.cloud platform when logged-in (authenticated) from these external sources.

When a user requests to log-in to Storefront he has the choice of logging into our Storefront with an external authentication service. When the preferred external authentication service is chosen, the user is being redirected to the login page of the authentication service in order to enter his corresponding credentials. Upon successful authentication, the external service redirects the user back to Storefront along with some necessary information about the user. As a result, Storefront utilizes those information to verify the successful authentication of the user by the external authentication service and at the same time gather more information so as to associate him to a Storefront user, if he is already registered on Storefront, or prompt him to register an account with the acquired information from the external authentication service.

The first edition of our integration with external identity providers support Azure AD and Azure B2C. Very soon we will support also social identity providers like Google and Facebook.

For more details, please check External Authentication - Single Sign-On(SSO)

What's next?

In the next version of our integration with external Identity Providers, we will support the following:

  1. Ability to hide altogether the proprietary login mechanism our platform supports and to allow login / registration for your Storefront only using an external Identity Provider
  2. Ability to link your existing Storefront user with their external identity account
  3. Support for social providers like Google and Facebook.

On this page

Resolved Issues 



EXL-9433Do not ask for MCA acceptance for German Cloud products
EXL-9855Azure migration tool is not loaded because of caching
EXL-9724Storefront - When you export the list of subscription the excel file is empty
EXL-9664Credit Invoice View Final Price should be a positive amount

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