3.27.7 Release

3.27.7 Release


Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.27.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.27.7.zip 
You must upgrade first to 3.27.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch

Microsoft Azure Plans

From this release we fully support ordering, provisioning and billing of Azure plans subscriptionsThe Azure Plan is an accommodation structure for multiple Azure subscriptions(entitlements) to exist under it, for order and billing simplification reasons. For that purpose, the Azure Plan is defined in our BSS platform as a pay-per-use product with consumption based billing. For all Azure plan subscriptions the billing cycle will always be the calendar month and the invoices will be generated the first days (usually until the 8th) of each following month. 

On this page

Check please Microsoft Azure Plan for understanding how Azure plans are supported from our platform.

Migrating your Existing Azure Plan Subscriptions in BSS

We have also implemented an Importer tool that will allow you to migrate all customers' Azure Plans subscriptions, that have already been created inside the Microsoft Partner Center, in your BSS. Using this tool you will be able to import both Azure plan subscriptions that were created from the transition of the legacy Azure subscriptions, but also subscriptions that were created for customers never used Azure in the past. 

What's next?

The following functionality hasn't been completed yet and it will be delivered the next days:

  • View of the Azure plan usage for the current month. The usage records will be available i subscription's view page (both in BSS and Storefront) as part for the next release
  • Full support of Azure plans for Tenant Resellers:
    • The import tool to be available for the Tenant resellers to import their Azure plan subscriptions.
    • The cost of an Azure plan subscription to be the cost the tenant pays to the indirect CSP and not Microsoft's cost.

Upon delivery of the above functionality we will continue with supporting Azure reservation purchases for an Azure plan subscription and the ability to define budget alerts per Azure plan or per subscription (entitlement).

Enhancements for Manually Created Credit Invoices

The following enhancements have been included in this release:

  1. The billing cycle is now available for all recurring items of a credit invoice that was created manually. The billing cycle will be the one that has been defined in the corresponding debit item.  
  2. The items are now related with the corresponding subscriptions or assets. Again, we find which is the related subscription / asset from the corresponding debit item.   

Resolved Issues 



EXL-9731Nebula template - account Microsoft sync options are not saved correctly
EXL-9819Storefront - The product categories cannot expand 
EXL-9203A credit invoice has been generated for a legacy Azure subscription
EXL-9673Storefront - The cancellation request is not submitted because of caching issues
EXL-9458The "Save and Close" action in product storefront settings page creates duplicate html tag(s)
EXL-9619 Storefront - The product icon for a required product is missing in Basket Items page

When a unit is not longer available for ordering (the "enable for ordering" option is deactivate), this unit is still available in Storefront with unit price 0.0.

EXL-9424Storefront - the description of a group of order  characteristics is not displayed in product details page of a configurable product.
EXL-9621Storefront - The list of end customers in basket first page should display the customers in alphabetical order.