3.27.5 Release
Apostolos Karakaxas
Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.27.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.27.5.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.27.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch
Office 365 E1 & Microsoft Commercial Teams Trials
We now support the trials of the following offerings:
- Office 365 E1 Trial (OfferId: c0c1386f-4a95-466b-8974-cefd71414def)
- Microsoft Commercial Teams Trial (OfferId: dd3496ba-a49b-4475-9f40-8c333709ef87)
You can now publish these two offerings in your Storefront for your customers and resellers to get a six months trial for 3000 licenses.
For instructions on how to enable these trial, please check Special Trials in Response to COVID-19 Situation
On this page
Provisioning & Billing Actions are not Allowed for a Failed Subscription
From this release we do not allow your operation team in BSS and your customers or resellers in your Storefront to perform actions on a subscription or add-on with failed sync status, such as changing its billing or its quantity.
We have implemented a protection mechanism to all Service Managers to protect the users by not allowing them to perform certain actions that execute provisioning until their status is successfully synced. This way, the Customer is not charged extra or applying billing changes for a service that is not available to him yet.
The actions that are not allowed to be executed from your customers or resellers for a failed subscription are the following:
- To purchase extra licenses for a failed subscription.
- To purchase an add-on for a failed subscription.
- To place a new order that will increase the quantity of an existing failed subscription.
The actions that are not allowed to your operations team in BSS for a failed subscription are the following:
- To execute an order that will increase the quantity of a failed subscription.
- To execute an order that will add an add-on in a failed subscription.
- To change the quantity of a failed subscription or a failed add-on.
- To add an add-on to a failed subscription.
- To change the pricing rules of a failed subscription or a failed add-on.
In BSS, all failed subscriptions will have a warning ribbon for informing your operations team that no provisioning or billing actions can be performed.
For more details, please check Managing Failed Subscriptions.
Support for New Azure Reservation Types
From this release we support the following Azure Reservation types:
- App Services
- Managed Disks
- Storage Reserved Capacity
- Data Explorer
- Database for MySQL
- Database for MariaDB
- Database for PostgreSQL
For more details, please check Selecting the Reservation Type
G Suite Service Manager - Customers Import Tool
For migrating your existing G Suite customers and their subscriptions in your interworks.cloud BSS, we have introduced a new tool for importing your G Suite customers and their subscriptions in BSS. This is particularly handy during the initialization of the system.
The importer is accessible from the settings page of G Suite service and it will allow you to view and import your existing customer base in your BSS.
Fore more details. please check G Suite Customers Importer Tool.
Cancellation Instructions are now Compulsory
From this release your customers and resellers will be asked to enter a reasoning for the cancellation requests they are submitting from your Storefront. They will not be able to complete the cancellation unless they fill in the "Cancellation Instructions" field.
Products Bundles - Progress Status
In this release we completed the use case for placing an order for a Bundle in Storefront. We are now one use case away from releasing the first workable version of our Bundles!
Which use cases have been implemented until now?
- Definition of a Bundle product. Support of subscription-based bundles that consist of two or more recurring products or add-ons
- Adding a bundle product in offers and orders - Ability to add your bundles in offers or orders.
- Execution of an order in BSS that includes a bundle product:
- Provisioning of the services included in a bundle and creation of a sub-subscription for each of bundle component.
- Billing of the bundle as a single product SKU.
- Placing an order for a bundle in Storefront. Ability to publish your bundles in the Storefront and allow your customers to purchase them.
Which are the use cases that are work in progress?
5. Visual presentation of the master subscription (the bundle subscription) and the child subscriptions (the subscriptions for the bundle components) - Ability from the bundle subscription to view the child subscriptions that keep all the information for the provisioning of the bundle components.
Although the use cases 1 - 4 have been released we strongly advise you not to publish any bundle products to your customers since the bundling functionality is work in progress and we have released the above mentioned use cases only for testing purposes. The first working version of the bundles functionality will be available as soon as we complete the use cases #5 also.
Avalara Avatax - The BSS Account ID is now passed as Customer Code
From this release we pass to Avalara transactions as Customer Code the ID of the "Billing To" account that is related with our invoice.
Resolved Issues
Key | Summary |
EXL-9491 | Stripe credit card token is not saved from generic payment that fails. |
EXL-9472 | The "Note Type" field is not compulsory in the billing details page when the customer is from Greece |
EXL-9482 | The Payment step is not displayed in checkout process after I increase my credit limit by making a credit card payment. |
EXL-9253 | When a unit is deactivated in the root organization, the "Update tenant" process does not deactivate it in tenant organizations too. |
EXL-9170 | The BSS "forgot your password" pop-up has wrong fields. |
EXL-9564 | The GET api/assets/{assetId}/characteristics does not return product characteristics of multiple values type. |
EXL-6985 | The creation of a case folder crashes. |
EXL-9432 | Storefront - The estimated price for a configurable product is not displayed rounded in product's number of decimals. |
EXL-9271 | The POST api/contact returns error 500 although the contact is created successfully. |
EXL-9609 | The product view page in Storefront returns error if you have selected to publish to Storefront a product characteristic that it's a checkbox. |
EXL-9433 | Storefront - The link for the "powered by" is missing. |
EXL-9569 | A taxation rule cannot be saved in the selected country has no states. |
EXL-9230 | Merging of two contacts crashes due to opt in parameter not considered |
EXL-9213 | The License/Instance units which are part of the recursive charge Unit Group are activated in a recurring product too. |
EXL-9590 | Only the "Info" and "Error" log levels are used in our logging mechanism. |