3.27.11 Release

3.27.11 Release

Date:  06 Jul 2020 

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.27.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.27.11.zip 
You must upgrade first to 3.27.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Azure Plans - Viewing the Consumption for the Current Month

Our platform collects the Azure Plan subscription consumption on a daily basis using Microsoft's API, whereas the usage records of the Azure Plan subscription are updated ad-hoc. All these data are accessible from inside the subscription details page in Storefront.

The Usage Records can be displayed differently by utilizing two types of views: View by resource and the View by meter. The data that are being displayed for both views are collected ad-hoc and are the exact same data that you view in the MS Partner Center and the cost amounts already contain the margin that you have set for your customer(s)/reseller(s).

The current consumption of an Azure Plan is also available to the BSS users from the "Usage Records" tab which resides beside the subscription's "Basic Information" tab. 

For more details, please check Viewing the Consumption of an Azure Plan Subscription.

New API Methods for getting Azure Plan Usages

The following methods are now available for the version 2.2 of our API:







GET /api/Subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/azureplan/meterusagerecords

Returns the meter records for a given Azure Plan subscription. It includes the following information for each usage record:

meterId, meterName, category, subcategory, quantityUsed, unit, finalCostWithPricelistAndTaxes


GET /api/Subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/azureplan/resourceusagerecords

Returns the resource usage records for a given Azure Plan subscription. It includes the following information for each usage record:

subscriptionId, resourceUri, resourceType, entitlementId, entitlementName, resourceGroupName, resourceId, resourceName, currencyCode, finalCostWithPricelistAndTaxes

Azure Plan for Tenant Resellers

In this release we completed the last pending issue for fully supporting the Azure plans for the tenant resellers: The margin / markup a reseller defines in his BSS for the Azure plan subscription is applied to his cost (what he pays to indirect CSP) and not to Microsoft's cost (what a indirect CSP pays to Microsoft).

Microsoft Provisioning Mechanism - Handling of Microsoft API timeouts

There are cases where Microsoft Partner Center API returns the error "The operation has timed out" as a response. In such situations our system returns the subscription to failed status and it is unaware if the provisioning action has been completed successfully or not in Microsoft systems. This error usually happens because of latency issues from Microsoft side. 

For better managing these timeout incidents, we decided to introduce a retry process where we will do up to 3 attempts for getting a valid response from Microsoft API. Only when all attempts fail, we will then return the status of the subscriptions to failed. Also, for protecting our system for creating duplicate subscriptions in MS partner center, we have introduced the use of MS-requestId in each retry call in order to ensure id-potency. Microsoft ensures that using the same RequestId for each retry call you will not get duplicate results for this request.

Resolved Issues






Storefront - The left summary panel overlaps the sections on the right


PUT api/Contacts methods does not convert a contact to a Storefront user


Azure Calculator in Storefront - The action "New Estimate" for a VM displays an empty section.


The creation of a tenant reseller should stop if the password of the admin user has not defined correctly. 


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