3.28.3 Release

3.28.3 Release

Date:  Nov 11, 2020

Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.28.3.zip
You must upgrade first to 3.28.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch


Product Bundles are now Available!

You are now able to create a Bundle product, for packaging two or more solutions that complement each other! With Bundles, Distributors and Service Providers will gain the ability to include multiple products in one single Product SKU having a single billing event with better prices than purchasing all products separately.

The first version of Bundling will support only subscription-based bundles that consist of two or more recurring products or add-ons. Billing wise, there will be a single subscription that will be billed to the customer but, provisioning wise, separate subscriptions will be kept for each component of the bundle.

Product Bundles Insights

  • You can bundle two or more subscription-based products

  • You can bundle a primary product along with one or more of its add-ons

  • The Bundle price is constructed from the pricing rule you define per product

  • You can create packages of licenses by defining how many licenses of each product will be included in one Bundle license.

Your customers will have a single subscription but they will be able to manage each included service separately.


For more details, please check Product Bundles

Cancellation Options have been Unlocked for Tenant Resellers

The cancellation options for the products and their add-ons are now unlocked for services that a tenant reseller inherits from his distributor. The reseller will be able now to define his own cancellation policy, whether we will accept automatic execution of the cancellation requests or not, that can be different from distributor’s options. These options are defined on product type level.

New Azure Reservation Type

The Azure reservations of “Azure Redis Cache Premium” type are now available for purchasing.

For more details, please check Ordering an Azure Plan Reservation from Storefront

API Methods Update





GET /api/pricelists/{pricelistId}/items/{pricegroupId} (API v3.0)

The "showall" parameter has been added.

  • showall=false: The items returned are only the items that are assigned to the pricelist via the price group. The products that are also assigned to the pricelist themselves are excluded.

  • showall=true: All price group items are returned, no matter if they are also assigned to the pricelist themselves.

    The default value is “false”.

Resolved Issues






Azure calculator cannot be loaded


Rounding issues for merge fields on invoice template.


Storefront user Activation and Reset links are expired after setting the password


The total amount of Orders and Invoices in Storefront do not match when the item is under promotion, belongs to a pricelist and it is has a volume discount.


Azure plan importer error


System notification is sent even if it is inactive.


BSS Loader is not displayed correctly.