3.27.9 Release

3.27.9 Release


Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.27.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.27.9.zip 
You must upgrade first to 3.27.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch

Microsoft MCA - Customer Direct Acceptance 

Microsoft has introduced a new option for the customer to accept the Microsoft Customer Agreement: The partner can now invite the customer via a URL to review and accept the agreement in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

This new option is now supported from our platform since we are checking also for the status of a customer's direct acceptance of the MCA. Furthermore, we have included in the MCA form the URL your partner can send to his customer for accepting the agreement directly from Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

On this page

For more details, please check Obtain your Resellers Confirmation for Customer's Acceptance

Storefront - Performance Improvements

This release includes enhancements for improving the performance of the Storefront for a logged in user. The enhancements affect the majority of the Storefront pages and the response times have been dropped even by 70% for some cases. We continue our effort to achieve even better response times and our efforts our now focused to the checkout process.

Products Importer - Units Mapping

In this release we introduced the following changes for units (e.g. month, year etc.) that are not mapped in the 2nd step of the importer for updated products: 

  • If the unit is inactive for a product, it will remain inactive
  • If the unit is active for a product and Is flagged as auto-calculated (computed), its price will be recomputed by the base unit (if the base unit has been updated through importer) and its flag will remain as auto-computed
  • If the unit is active for a product and Is flagged as non auto-calculated, the unit will keep its price and its flag as custom ( non auto-calculated)

for more details, please check Bulk Update for your Existing Products

Storefront Nebula Template - UI Improvements

In this release the following changes have been applied to Nebula template

  1. Images changes. The following images have been replaced by images with a more neutral design
    1. Profile image on the top bar 
    2. Product Group Details page - The image in Compare plans has be changed
    3. Product preview in "Apps & Services" - The default image in product preview has been changed
  2. Buttons alignments. The buttons in products list in first page and in product group details page are now horizontally aligned. 
  3. Use of container with max height for add-ons display. The list of add-ons in product details page is now in a container with max height and vertical scrolling when add-ons exceed the max height.  

Resolved Issues



EXL-9913Storefront - Error when changing quantity in add to basket page
EXL-9907The total before tax amount is wrong in "Add to Basket" page for bundle products.
EXL-9878Storefront - Categories are not expanded when the + sign is pressed.
EXL-9831Module information is not written in log entries.
EXL-9764AlwaysOn Cluster installation is locked because platform License Server does not recognise all servers. 
EXL-9960Storefront user that was created via API cannot checkout his basket.

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