Storefront Landing Pages

Storefront Landing Pages

This page contains information on how to manage landing pages for the Storefront.


Landing pages are used to display specific products to potential customers for a simplified and optimized ordering experience. The landing page handles both customer registration and the add to basket process. Customers will only be directed to the Storefront for the checkout process. Landing pages are a great way to connect your corporate website to your Storefront, or promote a new product or service.

The landing page is considered to be a part of the Storefront, but they are only accessible from a unique URL provided directly to potential customers.

Landing Pages for Storefront V4 are only available to anonymous users. Storefront users who are already logged in will be redirected to their homepage when they click on a landing page link.

There are three types of landing pages:

  • Order - for ordering a product

  • Trial - for trying a product

  • Tell-Me-More - a request for additional information on a product

Landing Page Setup

To manage landing pages, go to Setup System OptionsLanding Pages

On this page, you may edit an existing landing page by selecting it, or add a new one by selecting New Landing Page. Landing pages can be activated or deactivated by selecting them in the list, and then selecting Activate or Deactivate. Active landing pages will have a green checkmark.

The New Landing Page option is enabled only if self-registration in Storefront is active. The Tell Me More landing page type does not require self-registration to be enabled.



The screenshot below shows an Order landing page being edited:


When creating or editing a landing page, select the page icon to edit any of the following fields:

  • Storefront Header – The Storefront header as defined in BSS Setup > System Options > Storefront Configuration > Rebranding tab

  • Title of the Landing Page

  • Explanation message and/or banner - Contains an advanced editor, providing the option to enter HTML code

  • Registration form Label

  • Login link - The message “Already have an account…” can be removed from the landing page by selecting the 🛇 symbol.

  • Registration/Contact Info form – The fields cannot be edited

  • Services Section Label

  • Services Section explanation message

  • Products – A maximum of 20 products can be displayed in this section

The figure below is an example of an Order landing page:


Tell Me More Landing Page

The intended flow for the landing page of type “Tell Me More” is the following: 

  1. The user enters their contact info

  2. The user selects the product they are interested in.

  3. The system creates an account and a contact based on the user’s contact info

  4. The system creates an offer for the selected product

  5. The system sends the system notification Tell me More – Customer Notification

  6. The system directs the user to the Thank You page

Order/Trial Landing Page

The intended flow for the landing page of Order and Trial type is the following: 

  1. The user enters their registration information

  2. They select a product to buy/try

  3. They specify configuration options if the product is configurable

  4. The system registers the user

  5. The registered user verifies their information (through the verification email) and is redirected to Storefront Login page

  6. After the user logs in to the Storefront they are redirected to the Add to Basket Page


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