Define the Transaction Currency of your Customers

Define the Transaction Currency of your Customers

The transaction currency of an account is defined in his ordering options.

Set the Transaction Currency of an Account

The transaction currency of a customer is defined in "The customer pays with" field that is available in customer's ordering options.

By default this currency is the same with account base currency but the BSS user can change it. The transaction currency is part of the account ordering options and it is available (as the rest options) only to accounts that are billed directly from you. You cannot define a transaction currency for the sub customer of a reseller since you bill directy the reseller.

The system uses the transaction currency of an account for:

  • Converting all customer invoices to his transaction currency using the exchange rate on invoice date.
  • Accepting credit card payments. The amount that must be charged to customer's credit card is converting to transaction currency and this amount is sent to payment gateway.

Change the Transaction Currency of an Existing Account

You can change the transaction currency of an existing account and this means that all new invoices will be converted to the new transaction currency. The old invoices and credit card payments will remain linked with the old transaction currency. 

After changing the transaction currency the system will prohibit you from paying via credit card an old invoice (that is related with the old transaction currency). If your customer has been setup to pay via credit card, it is a good practise to have all his invoices as paid before proceeding with the transaction currency change.

Setting the Transaction Currency for your Self-Registered Customers

Your self-registered customer will have as transaction currency the one that you will define in "Self-registration settings" section in your Setup. For more details, please check Enable Users Self-Registration

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