Relate a Credit Invoice with a Debit Invoice Manually

Relate a Credit Invoice with a Debit Invoice Manually

interworks.cloud platform relates the credit and debit invoices that are generated for a customer by relating a newly generated credit invoice with the "oldest" unpaid debit invoice. If there is no unpaid debit invoice, the credit invoice will be related automatically with the next debit invoice our platform will generate for the customer.This process is applied by default whenever an invoice is generated in our system, but you have also the option to set manually the relations between your credit and debit invoices.

Assign a Credit Invoice to a Debit Invoice

A user can relate a credit invoice with a debit invoice from the available actions in Debit invoice view page

  • From the "Assign Credit Invoice" action in Shortcuts menu.
  • From the "Assign" action in "Financial Information" Section

This action are available only for unpaid debit invoices.

For relating a credit invoice with a debit invoice, you should do the following:

  1. Select the Assign action from the Shortcuts menu or from the "Financial Information" section.
  2. A pop-up will be displayed with options to select the credit invoice and the amount that will be used for crediting the debit invoice.
    1. The Invoice drop-down includes only invoices with available credit, meaning credit invoices that are not related with any debit invoice or they have still available amount because the amount of their related debit invoice(s) is less from the credit invoice amount.
    2. The amount field will have as default value either the debit invoice unpaid amount or the credit invoice available credit, whichever is less. if for example you relate an debit invoice with unpaid amount of $100 with a credit invoice with $250 available credit, the default value will be $100. The user can change this amount in any value between $0.01 and the default value.

  3. Select Add for the system to complete the action:
    1. The credit invoice will be related with the debit invoice for the amount you have defined in the pop-up form. Its available credit amount will be decreased by the amount you selected.
    2. The unpaid amount of the debit invoice will be decreased by the amount you selected.
    3. The status of the paid invoice will change to paid if now it has no unpaid amount.

History Records

For this action, the following records will be added in the history section of the two invoices:

  • In debit invoice history section: Invoice < Credit Invoice Number > got assigned with amount <Amount>
  • In credit invoice history section: Assigned to < Debit Invoice Number> with amount <Amount> 

De-Assign a Credit Invoice from a Debit Invoice

The Deassing action is available in "Financial Information" section in the debit invoice view page

  1. Select the credit invoice you want to de-assign and press Deassign. You can select only one credit invoice for de-assigning it.

  2. By confirming this action, the system will do the following:
    1. The credit invoice will no longer be related with the debit invoice
    2. The available credit of the credit invoice will be increased by the amount withheld for the debit invoice.
    3. The status of the paid invoice will change to unpaid and its unpaid amount will be increased by the withholding amount.

History Records

For this action, the following records will be added in the history section of the two invoices:

  • In debit invoice history section: Invoice < Credit Invoice Number > got deassigned with amount <Amount>
  • In credit invoice history section: Deassigned from < Credit Invoice Number > with amount <Amount>


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