Create a Credit Invoice for Specific Debit Invoice items
To manually create a custom credit invoice, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Billing > Invoices from the left sidebar.

- Click on the Add button.

- Fill in all the required fields.

• Status: Select the Unpaid value.
• Type: Select the Credit Invoice value.
• Invoice Date: You can change the default value with the date of your choice.
• Account: Select the related account.
• Billing to: Choose the account you want to bill. By default, this will be pre-filled to match the account selected in the previous field.
- Save the credit invoice.
- To specify which invoice items to credit, click the Insert from Invoice option.

Clicking the search button will display a pop-up listing all debit invoices related to the credit invoice for the account. You can browse through the pages and select the desired invoice. Alternatively, if you already know it, you can enter the invoice code directly into the search field.

- After selecting one of the existing debit invoices, the invoice items will be visible under the search bar.

For each invoice item, you can adjust the following fields:
• Billing Period: Set the billing period for each invoice item by adjusting the invoice's start and end dates. Click on each field to display a calendar and select the desired dates.

• Quantity: The number of units of the invoice item.
• Unit price: The cost assigned to a single unit of the product.
• Discount: The discount percentage applied to the invoice item.
• Total: The total price is automatically calculated based on the quantity, unit price, and discount for each item. This field is not editable.
- Click on the checkbox on the left to select the items and add them to the credit invoice.

- Save the pop-up.
The chosen invoice items will be visible in the Invoice Items tab.

For every debit invoice, which has been credited totally or partially by credit invoice, you can see the correlated credit invoice in the Invoice view.
If you have credited the full amount of the debit invoice, invoice's status will change to Paid value as below:

If you have partially credit the debit invoice, invoice's status remains Unpaid but the invoice's unpaid amount amended according to correlated credit invoice.

Create a Credit Invoice for the Total of a Debit Invoice
If you want to create a credit invoice for the total of a debit invoice, you can create this invoice by executing the New Credit Invoice action that is available in the debit invoice details page.

By selecting this action, the system will:
- Create a credit invoice for all debit invoice items. The credit invoice will be identical with the debit invoice as it will contain the same items and it will have the same total.
- It will relate the credit invoice with the debit invoice.