Paying Recurring Subscriptions using Pelecard Gateway

Paying Recurring Subscriptions using Pelecard Gateway

For customers that have entered their credit card details, the interworks.cloud platform charges automatically any recurring subscriptions.

Automatic Charges 

The automatic charges are initiated when a new invoice is generated. In this case, the system uses a credit card's token for charging the invoice amount. Check Using Peleard for Credit Card Payment via Checkout for understanding when our system keeps a token for the customer's credit card.

  • If the payment succeeds, a payment is added in Cloud BSS and the related invoice is marked as paid. 
  • If payment fails, a failed payment is added in Cloud BSS and the invoice remains unpaid. In this case, you can check transactions log for seeking details about the failed payments. You can also setup a retry plan for the system to retry in specific intervals to charge the credit card. Check Retry Credit Card Payments for more details.

How a Customer can Pay an Outstanding Invoice

For a customer to pay an outstanding invoice, the process is the following:

  1. Login at the Storefront and navigate at the Billing section. Click on the invoice you want to pay.

  2. Click on the Pay Invoice button

  3. The Invoice Payment form is displayed where the customer can select to pay using an existing card or by adding a new credit card

How a Customer can Pay the Overdue Invoices

For the customer to pay all his outstanding invoices, the process is the following:

  1. Login at the Storefront and navigate at the Billing section. Click the Pay Overdue button. 

  2. The Invoice Payment form is displayed where the customer can select to pay using an existing card or by adding a new credit card. The system will attempt to charge all overdue invoices.

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