Reports of Cancellations

Reports of Cancellations

This page explains how you can create a report which will contain all the “pending for cancellation” subscriptions and add-ons.


Creating a Report that Contains Pending Cancellations

In order to create a report that contains all the pending cancellation requests for subscriptions and add-ons, you have received, but are still not completed, you have to follow the following steps. 

  1. Go to BSS > Reports > Reports

  2. Click "New Report"

  3. In the "Create New Report" view you have to include the following criteria on each step.

    1. Step 1: Select the data type

      Basic Data: Subscriptions

      Additional Data: Requests


    2. Step 2: Report Columns.

      Reported columns of Subscriptions/Add-ons: 

      1. Customer: The name of the end customer.

      2. Name: The subscription's name.

      3. Product: The subscription's product.

      4. Quantity: Total quantity of the subscription.

      5. Start Date: Current cycle subscriptions start date.

      6. End Date: Current cycle subscriptions start date.

      7. Unit Price: The sell price of one unit.

      8. Subscription Amount: The total amount of the subscription.

      9. Add-ons Amount: The total amount of the add-on.


    3. Step 3: Reports Criteria

      In this step, you have to add the following criteria.

      1. Filter the Cancellation Request for Subscriptions.

        1. The Column has to be set Requests > Type

        2. The Operator has to be set to "is equal to"

        3. Value has to be set manually to "CS"

        4. Click the "+" sign

      2. Filter the Cancellation Request for Add-ons.

        1. The Column has to be set Requests > Type

        2. The Operator has to be set to "is equal to"

        3. Value has to be set manually to "CA"

        4. Click the "+" sign

      3. Filter the status of the Cancellation Request.

        1. The Column has to be set Requests > Status

        2. The Operator has to be set to "is equal to"

        3. Value has to be set manually to "p"

        4. Click the "+" sign

          The Rule of the criteria, for those displayed criteria (pending Subscriptions and Add-ons), must be “(1 OR 2) AND 3”. Otherwise, If you are creating a report only for pending subscriptions or only for pending add-ons, then the rule must be “1 AND 2“.


d. Step 5: Report Results.
Here you will see a list of the pending cancellation requests in your tenant.

Save the report.



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