Receiving Cancellation Requests

Receiving Cancellation Requests

In BSS, when a non-automatically executed cancellation request is created from a Storefront customer, those requests require manual handling, either because you may wish to not act upon the cancellation immediately by either accepting it or rejecting it, or because for various reasons you may not wish to allow automatic executions of cancellations for a particular product type.

In any case, there are two main notification mechanisms available to a BSS user for the cancellation requests.

  1. The first mechanism is the Email Notification that is dispatched to the responsible BSS user when a cancellation request is created in the Storefront.

  2. The second mechanism is the BSS dashboard widget named, “Pending Subscription Cancellation Requests”, which displays all the pending cancellation requests that derive from an active Storefront subscription along with its add-ons.

Cancellation Request Notification Emails

When a cancellation request is created in the Storefront by a customer, a system notification email is dispatched automatically to the recipients you have set. 
All the available system notifications that are related to the cancellation request can be found under BSS > Setup > Administration > Notifications > Customer Notifications > Subscriptions > 

The merge field with the effective date (End of Billing Period) is introduced and it can be incorporated into the following systemic notifications.

Below you can find the list of the available notifications, depending on the cancellation item and its cancellation status, which you can rebrand accordingly:

  1. "3.Subscription Cancellation Request": This notification is sent to the customer's account manager when the customer submits a request for subscription cancellation.

  2. "6.Subscription Cancellation Request Completed": It is sent to the customer when the cancellation request he submitted has been completed.

  3. "9.Subscription Cancellation Request Cancelled": It sent internally when the customer cancels the request he had submitted.

  4. "2.Addon Cancellation Request": This notification is sent to the customer's account manager when the customer submits a request for add-ons cancellation.

  5. "5.Addon Cancellation Request Completed": This notification is sent to the customer when the cancellation request he submitted has been completed.

  6. "8. Addon Cancellation Request Cancelled": It is sent internally when the customer cancels the request for add-ons cancellation he had submitted.

Example: When a cancellation request for a subscription is created in the Storefront by the client, a system notification is dispatched automatically to the recipients you have set. 

If the cancellation request is for immediate cancellation, then the following email is dispatched, indicating the execution type, next to the cancellation of either a subscription or an add-on.

If the cancellation request is for cancellation at the end of the billing period, then the following email is dispatched, indicating the execution type, next to the cancellation of either a subscription or an add-on.


BSS Dashboard Widget for Pending Cancellation Requests

The dashboard widget named “Pending Subscription Cancellation Requests”, is located under the BSS home page and provides the BSS user with a view of the top fifty (50) active subscriptions and add-ons (along with their respective data), that have pending cancellation requests, regardless of their status at the current date. As a result, you can manage any cancellation requests, either for Subscriptions or for Add-ons by clicking on the View Request button as analyzed below.

By examining the columns that reside within the table as well as the data that each one retains, the BSS user can witness the following:

  • Subscription: The friendly name of a subscription is displayed (if given), otherwise, the default name of the subscription appears. This is a redirection link that leads the BSS user directly to the page of the subscription with this ID or of the add-on.

  • Account Name: Is either the reseller's or the end-customer's account name. 

  • Request: Is a combination of the name of the product or add-on that is to be cancelled (followed by the word “add-on” if it is an add-on) multiplied by the quantity that is to be cancelled. We display an entry on the pending subscription cancellations requests widget for every cancellation request there exists, regardless of whether the cancellation requests concern the same subscription or not.

  • Request Date: Is the date that the cancellation request was initiated, based on the BSS user’s date format. The "Pending Subscription Cancellation Requests" table will be sorted by this column and the subscriptions whose cancellation request was made last (closest to the current date), will be displayed first.

  • View Request (action button): Next to each entry of the pending request cancellation table, there is a button named “View request“ and upon clicking on it, the BSS user gets redirected to the respective subscription’s view-page, where the cancellation request modal for this subscription/add-on is being displayed, and where the BSS user is able to either Accept/Reject the cancellation request of the respective subscription/add-on or just view the request and not act upon it immediately.


Therefore, after you have received a cancellation request from your customer, by any of the abovementioned methods, you can proceed with the management of that request by following the guide on the “Managing Cancellation Requests“ page.

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