Microsoft Software Subscriptions

Microsoft Software Subscriptions

Activating Microsoft Software Subscriptions

In the interworks.cloud platform, since the introduction of the New Microsoft Software Subscriptions, our customers will be able to order Software Subscriptions in the form of subscription-based products instead of the legacy Software Subscriptions (which were in the form of Assets). 
In simple terms, the New Microsoft Software Subscriptions is an accommodation structure for multiple products to exist under one subscription for order and billing simplification reasons. For that purpose, the New Microsoft Software Subscriptions are defined in our BSS platform as subscription-based products with recuring-based billing. Therefore, the former product type of software subscriptions will continue to exist, but in a different form, creating subscriptions and not assets anymore.

Billing Microsoft Software Subscriptions

The pricing information comes automatically from Microsoft and contains both the cost price (i.e., what Microsoft charges you as a CSP) and the retail prices that match the country of the end customer. This means that you have the flexibility to bill your reseller and your customer either by setting a margin above your cost or by defining a discount for Microsoft's retail price, exactly as you do for the Office 365 plans.

Ordering Microsoft Software Subscriptions from Storefront

For a customer or reseller to purchase a Microsoft subscriptions product, you need first to publish them in your Storefront following the same process you are using for the Office 365 plans.

Ordering Microsoft Software Subscription Products from BSS

The ordering process from BSS for Software subscription products is similar to the process you are using for the Office 365 products.

Managing Microsoft Software Subscriptions

After the 14th of October, 2022, the new Microsoft Software Subscriptions are represented in our system as subscriptions, not assetsThose subscriptions are part of our Billing module, and when your resellers or your customers place an order for a Software subscription, a new subscription is created in our platform for managing and invoicing purposes, while it is also the trigger for the provisioning mechanism between our systems and those of Microsoft.

On this page, we analyze the means to manage those subscriptions in the BSS and Storefront platforms.

Conversion Tool for Prices of Software Subscription Products

This tool facilitates the manualy configured currency conversion of Microsoft Software Subscription product prices for all countries and currencies, even those that Microsoft automatically supports.

Canceling Microsoft Software Subscriptions

On this page, we explain the cancellation window and the cancelation options provided for a Software subscription and how you or your customers can utilize them.

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