Setting a Pricing Protection Term for a Product

Setting a Pricing Protection Term for a Product

This page contains information on Price Protection per Unit feature. What it is, how it works, how to use it, and how to view the relevant reports.

Price Protection can be applied per currency and per billing cycle. For example, a product can have a different protection term for a monthly subscription in USD, and an annual subscription in EUR.
By enabling pricing protection for a product, you can establish a period of months where the customer will pay the same price for the service he has purchased without being affected by the pricing changes you may do for your service.

Enabling Price Protection

Microsoft products come with price protection when Get Services Definition is run.

You can enable Price Protection in product view. In the BSS, go to BillingProducts.

New Products

For new products, select Add Product and go to the Pricing section. Select the currency tab, and specify the term under the unit. This is only available when the Recurring charge - Prepaid option is selected.

Existing Products

For existing products, select the product and then select Edit Recurring Charges. This is only available for products with recurring charges.

Select the currency for which to apply price protection and specify the term. The term is specified in months.

To remove price protection, set the Term to 0. When subscriptions for products with no price protection are renewed, the system will apply the new price for the next billing period.

Please note that the functionality to apply price protection via the product importer has been temporarily removed.



The selected price protection term for the product can also be displayed in the BSS reports.

In the BSS, go to Reports, and in Step 2: Report Columns, enable Term (Months) to include price protection information in the report.

The report shows the specified term for all units and currencies. The first term column shows the term for the default unit of the currency.