Enabling Pricing Protection for a Product

Enabling Pricing Protection for a Product

By enabling pricing protection for a product, you can establish a period in months where the customer will pay the same price for the service he has purchased without be affected by the pricing changes you may do for your service. Pricing protection can be applied only to recurring products and when an existing subscription is renewed at the end of the pricing protection period (for example, at the end of the initial 12 months), your customer will pay the prevailing price for the following 12 months.

Setting a Pricing Protection Term for a Product

This page contains information on Price Protection per Unit feature. What it is, how it works, how to use it, and how to view the relevant reports.

Billing a Price Protected Subscription

When a customer purchases a recurring product that is under price protection, the subscription that is created will be under price protection for the term defined in the product. The system locks the cost and sell price of the product on purchase date and it uses these prices for calculating subscription's unit price on each subscription renewal or quantity change. This means that a protected subscription can be billed differently in every renewal if the subscription discount or the protected sell and cost price change.

Purchasing new Licenses for a Price Protected Product

When a customer purchases new licenses for an existing service, how these licenses will be billed it depends on whether the system handles the new licenses as a quantity adjustment of the existing subscription or as a new subscription.

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