Enabling Free Period for a Product

Enabling Free Period for a Product

By enabling the free period for a product, the system will not charge the period between the start date of the subscription and the first billing date. The free period option can be applied only to recurring products.

Setting the Free Period for a Product

By enabling the free period for a product, the system will not charge the period between the start date of the subscription and the first billing date. For enabling this option, you must do the following:

Free Period Billing Scenarios

The following billing scenarios will help you understand how a product with a free period will be billed depending on the billing settings defined on account and product level. The free period is applied only to new subscriptions. Every licenses adjustments for existing subscriptions are charged in full. 

Ordering a Product with Free Period

The process for ordering a product with free period, it's similar to the ordering process of any other product. The only difference is that the customer or the internal user is informed at the end of the process that the first period will be free of charge.

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